::PROM FLASHBACKS::All in good fun::

Jun 05, 2005 09:40

::Lauren burning me while doing my hair, & leaving a red mark on my arm!!

::The double decker bus getting hit by a car......twice.

::And did I mention, by two different people, of the same family?!?

::People jumping on top of the bus, while its moving!!

::Filet was amazing!!

::Meghan and I sharing a long kept funny secret.

::The chocolate fountain!!

::Ryan dancing like a fruitcake...not a gay fruitcake though, just a fruitcake.

::Sam Rico winning Prom queen. She deserved it!!

::Bryan Becker wearing a SuperMan costume, under his Prom Outfit!!

::Falling down the stairs, at Danille's house, in the dark.

::Sitting at the after-party,& asking myself why I payed $20 bucks for this.

::Ryan and I eating In-and-Out on a bridge....listening to Jack Johnson.


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