
Dec 28, 2006 00:29

Title: Fitzcarraldo
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
POV: Third person
Rating: PG
Length: 400 words
Author's Note: For we_are_cities Dec. 26th prompt and also slightly inspired by "Fitzcarraldo" by The Frames.
Disclaimer: Fiction.

This has never been an easy road and Frank thinks maybe he walked stretches of it barefoot. Still, he knows if he stops now he’ll be lost for good so he just keeps walking, despite the broken glass and snow. His feet are blue and bleeding but it is one step and then another and he will continue moving because that’s what you do in times like these.

He remembers the beginning when everything was warm mouths and wandering fingers that became something like affection but not quite what affection is meant to be. How that faded to tired nights where they fell asleep side by side but miles apart without a kiss goodnight that became Gerard lying through his teeth so he mightn’t hurt Frank (but Frank knew they were lies because there is close and there is together and they had been together long enough for Frank to separate fact from fiction).

So he squints his eyes against the memory of Gerard’s back in the parking lot outside that hotel where he was left to inhale the cold night air and the smoke of his cigarette. He’d stuck his hand into his coat pocket, with its crumpled bits of paper and pocket-fuzz, looking for the matches Gerard had not returned.

There will always be a place in the back of Frank’s mind for the way Gerard tastes, and for how Gerard’s cheek feels on his chest. For the blank look in Gerard’s eyes as he said, “I was only thinking of you” and walked away. For how Frank cursed the skies for days afterward, punching walls and slamming doors.

What Frank knows now is that Gerard is a lot like the moon to the sun - he will eclipse you, if given the chance, but only for a little while. Then he will move on. But Frank can’t move on.

Frank still visits that parking lot when he gets the chance. He stands next to the lamppost that held that night and stares out to where Gerard disappeared from his view, for that night and for the rest of his life.

It aches the most when he realizes that he loved Gerard as perfectly and purely as he could. It should have been enough.

So Frank will live with this but he will not regret it, not a second of it, not ever.

It is a long way home.

gerard, frank, mcr

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