May 31, 2006 10:43
Not all that much has happened...friday after work nicole had kat, ian and i over for drinks and what not...couldnt go out anywhere because ian's not 19 yet, but we still had a lot of fun. got in at 4am and was awake by 11 i think. Drove to st.kitts with daddy ...ordered my 2 books [which im getting this morning], got some groceries and made a trip to the home depot. Got home later-ish then went over to Erica's for a triangle revival..which im hoping could be a regular occurance for saturday evenings! Sunday...back to work, a good day if my memory serves me correctly...monday was too. Yesterday, Nicole started work @ the circus too. For the most part it was lovely. There was an issue with one of the guys blowing up at me - uncalled for. Apparently he's the only person in the world and im bitching orders to no. trust me - i know perfectly well how bossy i can be, its in my nature..thats just the way i am! SO, knowing i was going into this job being a supervisor [the eyes and ears as one of my bosses calls it] i knew i couldnt be bossy or else everyone would hate me. So i dont go around shouting orders at anyone. i know what manners are and how to use them. the only thing is - a few of the people there [not the one that yelled at me] ignore me completely when something needs to be done. only when they don't listen for a bit do i have to get a little more forceful...though i still say please and thanks. i try to be cheerful and happy..and i definitly pull my weight around the place... the only thing is, Mrs. Garneau has told me time and time again "sara, if there is stuff that needs to be done, get someone else to do it...don't do all the work here" so...what do i do? my boss tells me don't do all the work, and yet i can't ask anyone to do it because then im being "bossy"...
ex: As Mrs. garneau was walking out to the kiosk she goes "oh someone needs to clean out the slushie trays..." so im all "okay" and pick them up she goes
"no no, get jenny to do it after she's done washing the counters..." so ...since i didnt want anyone else yelling at me [when they're all bigger and probably older - -its just tough] i made a compromise..i asked jenny to do the one side and i'd wash the other side....
but seriously. what do you do if your boss tells you to stop doing all the work and to pass it off to other people [and my other boss has a tendency to go through me when stuff needs to be done "oh sara, can you get so-&-so to do this...that...and whatever else" he's my boss - i can't say "oh im sorry, can you tell them because they'll yell at me"...] and if i stop doing work and just 'supervise" a few things will happen: 1. it'll look like im not pulling my weight - even if im still working, 2. the ppl i work with will hate me even more because it'll look like im making them do all the work while i stand around...its just rough... i had a nice talk with my boss [not mrs. garneau - my other boss] because he noticed that i was upset... it was good, he let me know he used to be in my position - and he still is because he's not that much older than me. ugh ... he said something like "i know... you need stuff to get done, because if it isn't done you'll get in trouble with Mrs. Garneau [my other boss] ...but you dont want to push everyone because then you'll be separated as 'supervisor' and not 'supervisor & friend'..." and i said "exactly, i dont want them to hate me because i work with them...and i've never had any issues with them...if *he* had just said he was busy doing the popcorn [though it didnt look like it] i would had let someone else do the sweeping" UGH its just so frustrating. i asked him [boss] ..HONEST ANSWER.. "you've been around us while we i rude or bossy?" and he goes "not at all, you know what needs to get done, and it gets done... you aren't bossy about it, i've heard you guys"
oh im basically just going to do my part, and if i get in trouble for stuff being done - -i'll explain the mostly depends whose working at my end...if jen's there and i'm there [ end] i know stuff will get done...if whitney is in today, we're good... basically any of the girls plus hasib and kayne...they get stuff done and they dont think im bossy in the extreme.
And nicole..if you read this - thanks for trying to sort the issues with *him*...and i didnt mean to snap at you [if i did] i was just frustrated ...a lot.
okay. end of today's rant - - hopefully i'll be fine. im going to go for a run now.