Yup, he is definately on the top of my list. <3
Mr. Beth started a convorsation with me in the halls today, right before 4th block. Wow, it was amazing. He told me that he noticed that I'm always sleeping in my 4th block class. So I explained to him that it's not the class that I hate, it's the teacher. He told me he always thought Miss Reed was really nice. Hm, I guess she could be nice, if she stopped bitching at everyone. Gr. But BLAH, Miss Reed is beside the point .....
I heart Mr. Beth ... so fucking much!
It wasn't weird today! I mean, I thought I don't know .... I really wasn't looking forward to English because I didn't want to see Ryan 'cause I didn't want it to be awkward and such, but it wasn't. Well, atleast to me everything was fine, I'm not sure how he was feeling.