Dec 10, 2004 22:06


t0day is maah br0thers birthday . yay . hes officaially 17 . he will be q0ne next year t0 c0llage . s0 then i will have 2 ro0ms . but i will still be l0nely . 0h well . t0m0rr0w i have a s0ccer qame in h0mestead . we r 5-0 . we w0n all 0ur qames . cuz we r that go0d . haha . anywh0. yeah t0day i was really hyper . then i q0t pissed . `nd n0w im still pissed . s0 i dedicated PUKE // BY EMiNEM . t0 wh0 i am pissed at . s0 yeah . this is dedicated t0 her . omqo0dness . t0day was als0 the christmas sh0w . it was s0 stressinq . i had t0 w0rk with pre-k thr0ugh 7th qrade . it was like effinq hell 0n earth . seriously . but it was kinda funny . cuz i was tellinq this little b0y in pre-k t0 be quite . i was like be quite . he q0se no . i was like plz they can hear everythinq u say . `nd he qose noooo i dont wanna . then i said shut up . `nd he q0se 0kie . `nd then i felt bad s0 i went t0 him and said i was s0rry . `nd then he t0ld me t0 shut up . lma0 . then there was this 1st qrader was tellinq his brother wh0 is in 3rd qrade t0 qet the fuck away . lmao . then i q0t yelled at f0r what every0ne else did . i was like WTF is wronq wit u . take a lo0k ar0und i cant keep up wit thses pe0ple . but w.e . i qtq . bye-bye maah l0ves .

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