Comics! (Couple of Comments Edition)

Sep 12, 2010 22:57

After reading Batman #703, I think it's a shame that Morrison is writing this in continuity. I'd love to read a comic written by him about a city that doesn't have to be called Gotham, about people that don't have to be named "Bruce Wayne" and "Joker," and about someone that doesn't have to be called "Doctor Hurt" (and doesn't have to be - fuck, don't make me say it, you stupid bastard Morrson). Because that city and those three people can be quite interesting, and more so if freed from the constraints of the Bat-verse (while, at the same time, not wrecking havoc with every single underlying assumption in said Bat-verse).

My reaction to Red Robin #16 is much simpler: TIIIIMMMY! Tim's tenure as Red Robin makes me feel much better about Dick and Damian being Batman and Robin. Dick is a fantastic street-level Batman (in time, perhaps even better than Bruce), while Tim is a fantastic behind-the-scenes Batman (in time, perhaps even better than Bruce). Dick is Gotham's Dark Knight. Tim is the Detective (and the mastermind). None of them is the Bat, but that's because that's Bruce's private insanity. And I miss true-Barbara, who was the Batman in the Bat-cave. Between the three of them, there was little they couldn't do (only the truly mythical was beyond their scope, I think, because they are still relatively sane).

And if you have given up on the Doc Savage, which I almost had, do pick up Doc Savage #6, which for the first time feels like a Doc Savage comic. In other words, a comic about a huge, crazy, genius SOB. Imagine Morrison's JLA-Batman in civvies, not giving a crap about a secret identity and without an obsession with bats.


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