Another challenge signed up for, because why not?

Feb 27, 2019 10:43

(There are many reasons why not, and therefore I'm going to do it anyway.)

Just signed up for Be The First 2019. Somewhat surprisingly, I looked and I don't think I've done it before. Perhaps the explanation is that it took me a long while to find a fandom to be the first for (Fandom. Kinda scarily impressive when you think about it). I ended up choosing Cemetery Beach - Warren Ellis minis seem to lack fics somewhat more reliably than others, which might be a function of his often going off-script, so to speak, or just a smaller readership than my liking of them would make me believe. I am very annoyed, though, that there are three fics for Injection. Three. Either zero or a lot would've been more acceptable numbers.

be the first, challenges

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