- 0: AM Lifeguarding -- Salottolo
- 1: English II Honors -- Melamed
- 2: Math B Regular -- Hershey
- 3: Global History II Honors -- Rose
- 4a: Studio Photo -- McCaul
- 5a: Spanish III Honors -- Gomez
- Lunch 3
- 6b: Physics AP-B -- Elia
- 7: day 1 -- gym -- Carboni
7: day 2 -- Physics AP-B lab -- Elia
Why the hell do I have two gym classes? Hmm. I think I'll drop AM Lifeguarding. I need my sleep.
pee ess. does anyone have gym with me? or with rhett? i know rhett 'teaches' (i don't know if you could really call it teaching...) with carboni. so if you have gym with me, PLEASE TELL ME. k thanks.