Alright, so this is Jenn and this is my first entry. It's going to be pictures from my life. But first a little about me, even tho most people that will be reading this already know all this. I live in Baltimore, MD but I go to Rutgers Univ in New Brunswick/Piscataway NJ. For a lotta school stuff, you can just look at Kelly's entry. So here's my pictures:
This is me, well.. this was me about may of this year. I use to have really long hair, as you can see
But on my birthday this year, I got 8 inches cut off
At home, I live with my dad and most of the time my brother. Plus our dog Otis.
My dad. Not a great picture, but the best I got
Johnny and Otis
Johnny, yes, very flattering. He's a 13 year old boy, give him a break.
Me and johnny
Johnny and Otis again
Otis. I love my puppy so much. He's a beagle (well duh). This is him a few days after we got him (so he's around 4 months)
And this is him this summer. So he's a little over a year old now.
OH YEA this is quite possibly the funniest picture of Otis ever. We put my dad's glasses on him and took a picture.
Here's a bit more home stuff:
These are my cousins Abby and Kara. Cutest kids ever!
(yea crappy cell phone cam quality) This is abby, she'll be 2 in december
And this is Kara. Most photogenic kid ever. She's 3, will be 4 in june.
This is where I work. Well.. the wall at work. I work at a furniture store, hence the furniture wallpaper.
This is Charlie. He's the awesomest person ever! We went to the same high school and everything but didn't become friends until literally days after we graduated (aka senior week)
This is Kate. We've been friends for a few years. She went to Casey's church and they were friends and that's how we became friends. Kinda funny how neither of us is really friends with him anymore haha
this is one of my all time favorite pictures. Otis <3s Charlie
this is Louis. He's also quite the awesome person.
Ah HA! Kelly informed me that duh I do have a picture with matt in it. He's the guy on the right hand side. And this is also all 5 of us.
I feel I have to add this because its funny and has to do with home and school. Kelly came home with me one weekend and we hung out with matt and charlie and went to arundel mills. This was a manequin we saw. I don't think that's suppose to be like that.
So now, school. good ol' RU.
this picture pretty much sums up the rutgers experience... no, just kidding. This is from last year and I still think its funny.
This is also from last year. View from the bus #7182 courtesy of Kelly. aka bored bus right back from college ave day!
this is annie, one of our suitemates and kelly's roommate last year. And also one of my good friends. She's awesome! but didn't want her picture taken.
Theresa, annie's current roommate and one of my suitemates. She ALSO doesn't like getting her picture taken. I didn't know her until this year but she's an awesome girl.
Here's Krystle, Kelly's friend from home. She's also a very awesome girl.
Eww.. who's this loser... kidding! That's Kelly, duh. My roommate and journal sharer.
If I had more picture of people I'd post them, but I unfortunately do not!
So our suite. If you look at Kelly's entry, you'll see a little tour of it, but I have a few pictures. The one with Krystel is the sink area thing.
this is the 'common room' part. That's Annie and Zack
This is my room, and its mostly pictures of my side of the room.
my wonderfully wonderfully messy desk.
My bed, which is also, messy! Go figure.
My closet. It's.. kinda messy? Just has a lotta dirty laundry on the floor.
Here's the stuff on my walls:
Fear and Loathing picture next the window on the far wall.
Hi Johnny depp... The wall next to my desk. Well.. part of it.
More of the wall, and on my computer.
A photobooth picture from last semester of me, kelly and annie. We went to the boardwalk when we went home with kelly one weekend. (the rest of my wall is in the picture of our dressers in kelly's entry)
My computer. I dunno, just thought this was a cool picture. Annie is playing the sims 2 on my computer. quite the addicting game.
Oh look, its all the stuff I have to do this month! How exciting.
and finally a picture of a pile of (most) of my books. I have a lot. Damn school and its classes!
well I think that's it. Quite the intro entry! Now back to studying for my exam TOMORROW.