one liners.
would I be out of line if I said I missed you ..
theres nothing i'd rather do, then spend all my time with you ,
hey unforgettable. in the end, it will always be you .
cause ill keep singing this lie if you'll keep believing it .
I miss the way you shock me, follow me to my house and rock me.
longer ones .
It could be worse. A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping and toss it out the window of a moving car,, theres always that .
so baby, lets get down and dirty. forget about right from wrong . I wanna sleep in a cheap motel, with nothing but the tv on .
we're moving forward but holding ourselves back, and we're waiting on something that will never come ..
&&& one last one :
Did you guys see circus break that cinder block with his head? Thats a good lesson for you guys; it didn't break the first 6 times, but did he quit trying? No sir..
baha I love that one !
ps. sorry they arent pretty :(