HERE AND YOU'LL FIND OUT WHY! i was so worried last night...but i prayed about it and went to bed. i called mikey this morning and he didn't know it was official : ) so i got to be the bearer of good news! i think this is by far the best thing that could've happened, not only for our own country, but for the rest of the world. we needed a leader with a backbone who's not afraid to stand up to the UN, which, by the way, IS corrupt. the more you liberal college kids want to think otherwise, the more you make me laugh. you'll never know the truth until you are dealing with it first hand - like my husband. yes, you're entitled to your opinion, but before you start a debate about it, get your facts straight (and right! lol!). i think it's great how many christians voted this time. it made a difference! i'm happy that we have a leader that has morals and ethics, and will stand by them and not change for the people. if you don't like this country so much, i'd gladly drive you to the airport myself! you'll NEVER find a country that you'll have as much freedom as you do here. you'll never find a country that will do as much for you as this one does - whether you want to believe it or not. can't always believe what you see, hear, or read. the media is liberal. they will show you and tell you what they want you to see and hear. ya know, i almost wish they'd institute a draft to get all of you ignorant people off of your asses to contribute a little to this country instead of sitting there being practically anti-everything! but for now, go on and live your sheltered little pathetic lives. until you take part in what's really going on, i don't care what you think anyways. it's 100% obvious right now, that there are more people that think like me, than there are people that think like you. even though it was close, we still got the outcome we wanted : )
k - enough venting. i'm at work. HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!! ♥