Aug 10, 2004 23:47
Today was weird. I did nothing for a really long time & then I did a lot of things. Today was totally wasteful, it makes me sick.
I did send him a text message.. that I don't think he got. Meh, shit happens.
I hung out with Josh, Chris & Amanda for a while. That was something different. The only fun thing about tonight.
People confuse me a lot. It pisses me off that everyone sees me as 'some hot chick' & 'someone to fool around with,' yet they never see me as 'girlfriend material.' It makes one wonder if it's something about them that makes them unattractive as far as being 'girlfriend material' is concerned, whatever that may be. Totally dumb, I know. Just.. something I had to say. Don't mind me.
I think I'm done now. I have nothing worth saying right now, so why say shit? Feel free to add your two cents to this at any point, kthnx.
[EDIT:] I forgot to mention my awesome necklace. I made it out of caution tape, it is so pimp. Well, actually.. Josh made it, gave it to me, I broke it, fixed it & began to rock it like what. Yes, like what. Done babbling, be a comment whore. Them's the best kind, kthnx.[/EDIT]