and it might just be the whiskey talking but the whiskey says i miss you just the same ♥

Mar 15, 2005 19:45

havent updated in a while. no point in it i guess.
im real sick. i dont think im going to school tomorrow either. this morning i almost fainted when i went in the bathroom to turn the shower on so i just fell asleep on the floor in a towel, then when i finally got back up to take a shower i just passed out in there so. i didnt go to school today.
sucks that i didnt go to school cause i couldnt go to Seans then.. but i guess i can go Thrusday? i think, not really sure yet.
mad drama going down at Lake Shore again, but hey what else is new. gotta love it. ♥
fucking right, my neck throat and head all hurt soo bad. DAYUM.

thats it.
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