(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 21:32

today was great.. hung out with Jimmy again but i had to leave early =(
and i asked him if his ex gf and him were gonna go back out and he said he doesnt know.. to give him like 3 days
and i told him if he doesnt then i'll ask him out or something
we watched this movie called rhomper stomper.. it is freakin crazy!
its about these skinheads that beat the shit outta everyone
and this one part, they lose like 2 of their guys
because this herd of Chinese people beat the crap out of the skinheads
i swear, they had this tiny tiny van, and like 40 Chinese jumped out of there
and there were only like 10 maybe 13 of the skinheads

um yeah
things are good
i have a half day tomorrow but i dunno what i'm gonna do
jimmy said he has to go somewhere with his momma so i dunno if i'll go over there or what
i got my school pictures
they don't look as cracky as my I.D picture does

here it is:

have a good night.
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