Dec 19, 2011 23:45
As I have written about previously, my dad clearly hates me. Well, now my mom hates me too. I don't know what it is about me that is so terrible but it must be pretty bad. Everything my mom says to me is about how I have done something wrong. She got pissed at me today because I used her computer to check my yahoo account and since she doesn't know her own password she couldn't log back in. Also, the stem in the bong broke. I didn't see it break, I don't know how it broke, I just know that it was broken. Of course it had to be me that broke it. I told her and my brother that I didn't break it, but for some reason they don't believe anything that I say. Another example of that is: Today I was smoking with Devin and he changed out the stem in the bong but the one he was changing it to didn't fit, so when he put the other one back in and I hit it the stem slid further into the bong. He told me not to push the stem in so far and I told him that when I used the lighter to stir the bowl it slid in further. He said that it was physically impossible (which is a ridiculous statement) and when I said that it didn't matter because he doesn't believe a word that I say anyway he told me that it was a stupid thing to lie about. NO SHIT! That is exactly my point! Why would I lie about something so stupid and pointless? Apparently I am just some untrustworthy piece of shit. I really want to get the hell out of here. I want to move away and say fuck this place and these people and never look back. They wouldn't miss me. They'd probably be happy to see me go. As soon as I have the opportunity I will make their wishes come true. Fuck them.