Sep 02, 2004 04:00
Yeah i just wrote a crap load of stuff then i click out hello im so dumb...
Today school what elce is new now that is all im going to be crabbing about who doesnt?!?!?! well today was a great day and i was in trade all day played some cards talked took like 2 tests but i got them all right b/c im good like that but the part that sux im in 1st lunch i dont know anyone in there is you are in there tell me hello! but it was ok pasta day today vary good MmMmmm...
Tomorrow is friday YEAHHH BaBy!!! in school tomorrow fun stuff do nothing really all day and we are making pizza MMmmmMMm you kno you want to make some and eat it well you cant i can haha...
i want to do something fun tomorrow night but i bet that wont happen i bet ill just stay home and do nothing of go somewhere and have nothing really to do but i want to have FUN... i want food b/c its really good its nice out too Jermaine is at work and i have nothing to do right now i need to go get the snake a mouse he needs food...
I have a little story i went to the petco like 2 days ago and i was like yeah a need a feeder mouse for my snake and they are like we dont have any more mice we should be getting them in soom im like what the F*** i pet store that ran out of pets hello your a danm pet store so i that is it but i was pissed its a pet store you should have pets lol but i just wanted to blab a story...
I think im all done talking write now b/c i need some food school food isnt good enouf for me so im going to get some real food and thing of something to cook for tonight but ill write tomorrow or something that is all for now so
*ByE-ByE Mr.BaD GuY*