this was BY FAR the best episode yet. and TBC! WTF? i cannot wait until next week to see what happens. i have surpassed addiction for this show and passed well into completely obsessed.
t-bag found the hole! not good. and the CO? how the hell are they going to keep him quiet?
i wish abruzzi would have killed t-bag, i'm sure he could do it where he couldnt make a sound...let alone wreck the whole fucking plan.
he is too insane to take with them, he would probably kill and rape them all once they got outside the prison.
and michael going back for sara! i dont like it. i'm like the only person watching this show who doesnt ship them.
lincoln going with the guy that's going to kill him is not cool. i hope westmoreland follows him and helps him out, but what can a 62 year old man really do?
to sum up what this show has done to me .... *headdesk*
seriously, brain is ded.
and then baseball for like two weeks after next weeks ep, son of a bitch!
i am so going to be watching this ep like 500 more times, and thats just tonight. damn my boy for having to watch surface. whothefuckcaresaboutaliensinthewater????
i so have to make icons now.
totally for got to mention sucre! i so love sucre, he is the much needed comedic relief for this show...and the whole drilling into the devil scene *squee*
and the joke t-bag made about the guy who woke up black, priceless. my boy loved that one.
blargh! i keep forgetting to mention things...sweaty michael *swoon* and they so need to have that boy not wearing a shirt! the t-shirt was a nice change, but it's time for some nekkidness!