
Oct 11, 2007 14:42

I havent been on here in ages.

Well... I live in birmingham now. I'm doing my degree. And me and dave lasted just over 8months before we broke up. My last entry made things sound bad...but it was good most of the time. God i miss him... so, so much. I would actually get the train to see him right now if i could, without a care about money. Just to be with him. Because thats how much he means to me. I dont care if people dislike him for what he's done, because they're not me. I'm me. And i'd do everything i could for that boy. ^_^

So yeah. I miss him. I hate being single. And i want to phone him all the time. He said i can call whenever. And he's calling me tonight/tomorrow. We stayed on the phone for an hour the other day, talking stuff through, etc. He knows i how i feel. And i know how he feels. Just bad timing cuz the army is taking up 100% of his time, his grandad's ill...the list goes on. Love him.

Uni is good. Donig my t.h.s studies now. (history and theory)

Going out this weekend with lovely laura, my flat mayte. But we're both on antibiotics, so we shouldnt really drink. lol. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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