
Jul 19, 2007 00:25

I move into halls on spetember 1st :O

I'm proper excited. XD

I rang brum and art college and got it all sorted because they hadnt sent my results...i know..stupid feckers. I was nearly in tears, i text dave, then he rang me straight away to cheer me up and calm me down ^_^ i love that man...*daydreams a while*.... :) But yeah anyay..i'm getting out of hereford... YEYER!

I've decided it would be healthier on my bank balance to only come home once/twice a month, like for a weekend. People are always welcome to come see me, but it's like, i've done my finances and i'm gonna be paying £70-£90 a week on accomodation, money for food, phonebills for my mobile and the phone i'll have there, plus internet when i buy a laptop, then leisure and uni stuff.
........ So as you can see...i don't have much cash to spare, and my loan will be purely on uni fees and stuff for uni...nothing else..i'm not blowing it like most people do.

I gotta find me a bar job to do monday-friday after uni hours...it's gonna be difficult, but i need the weekends for travel[to see you geese] and stuff and to do uni work. I'm gonna be studying in the daytime and working in the night time...i'm just a 24hour party! AND i have to learn to drive, because if i dont start in the first year, i'll keep putting it off and i know i will.

I wrote my shopping list for my uni stuff today, eeeeeee, so excited! It's actually happening...I'm actually doing something good in my life.


I am gonna miss some people like crazy...My best friends, my work friends, some of my family, and the mannies folk...but i'll come home.

I regret not sving up for uni...but i am buying clothes and stuff...and when i go out...its only once a week, and i only go for a few drinks occassionally.

I have my patch tests soon...well annoying...i don't know what to wear for it...i dont wanna.

I want my butterfly tattooooooos damnit! but i cant till after the patch test...but i need to speak to moz and see when he's leaving le ford.

I'm having my last night out the day before i go to uni...so 31st august...but i'll have a few before then too :P

I'M MORE EXCITED THAN A WOMAN WITH THE WORLD'S BEST DILDO! ...but not in the jizz factor sense.
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