May 15, 2007 09:35
ordered my fake dreads and sent the cheque getting rainbow ones and the girls doing some candycanes in them too woohoo! theyre gonna be nice chunky ones[in comparison to the shitty thin ones i had last year].
seeing dave was absolutely the last entry a bad week,lol. he's living in Bourden?Bournam?S omething like that?...iunno cuz i cant even say it anyway...but he's home every few weeks and he has a car now...its red....yeh :) i like red. was sooo good to see him though...although now i have no-one to cuddle when i got to sleep now that he's gone again. huff.
college work is going absoloutely shite...i'm 3weeks behind....uh oh. gotta get my head down and do some serious work after i've done this entry.
i subbed 20quid out of my wages already this week and i don't get paid till like thursday, so i'll only have about 40 left...oh and ema...i hope.
hope everyone is all good?
i have to go to brum soon...hereford is shite. cant wait to do uni there...if i finish this course...if not i still wanna leave there anyway :)
i'm gonna go attempt to re-learn how to weld...because i retardedly forgot how to do it yesterday because i havent done it for over a year...hmmm...