Your Brain is 66.67% Female, 33.33% Male
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!
What Gender Is Your Brain? likey.
Today was our volleyball game. On the way there, Me, Laura D and P, Marianne, and Elisa were being stupid in the car. I had deja vu. When Marianne picked up Elisa's pen from the ground to put it in the hole where you put the headrest, I thought "It might fall in there." Then, guess what? I didn't really wanna say anything. Hahaha. They went "pen/car fishing" in there to get it back, but no luck. Took some videos. Verrry funny.
At the game, I didn't feel nervous this time. I actually served well and finished the first set, but I was taken out because the coach wanted people to play the game. I took some pictures, but I'll show you tomorrow since it's 11:30 right now. I met a new Asian boy. I already saw him before, but never talked to him before. So, the game against Our LAdy of the Lakes: we won. Next was St.Hugh. No threat. Before we started playing, we practiced our overhands for high school. I could do it and even make it out of the line in the back, but I can never do it in real games. So, the game was fun. Played in both sets and won the game. Biiiig woop. Oh yeah, during the games, Laura kept on calling Bradley since Adrian was at his house. xD Got to talk to them a little bit, but was more concentrated to volleyball.
After the game, we were urging our moms to go to Pollo Tropical since it was like, right THERE. but noooo. At least we went to Burger King. While we were outside walking to my car, we noticed that we can see our breaths! Hahah. We were acting like idiots. Me and Laura were pretending we were smoking. Me, Elisa, Laura D and P, and Marianne blowed at the same time and gave a huge smoke looking. It was cool, and it was COLD! In the car, we were prank-calling people. Laura did the funniest one to Ivan, but I couldn't stop laughing and he heard me in the background. I tried to laugh silently, but I can never do that. When we went to Burger King, we kept on singing that song "Grind on me" THen, dropped off Laura D and P and Marianne. It was all good. Now, I have time to study for my spanish final, but I don't give a damn about Spanish because tomorrow is our last day in hell-I mean, Spanish.
This is just to show you how many wons we have in volleyball now.
Right now it's:
3 wins
out of
4 games..damn St.Lawrence...^_^