May 01, 2006 09:29
Way overdue for an update. Apologies to, well, Meg. Anyways, yeah, exams are done and all, but I still have to be here for pre-placement crap. Oy.
If anyone is reading this on my lj, and not someone's friend page, you'll notice a bunch of ads on the side. I have a sponsered account, so I can get more userpics and stuff like that.
So… I don’t know what to talk about. Stuff is just… whatever. Everyone but me seems to be all happy and set for the world, and everything. Fucking annoying. Why don’t I get to be set for life like the rest of world? In other words, why the fuck am I still single?
In other news, Parks and Rec is going to interview me for Can-Do, or SNAP (the camp formerly known as SAC), and so on. Which is great, but it means that:
• I won’t get paid as much as now. Try like, half.
• I can’t be a guard this summer. Yeah, like that was gonna happen anyway.
• That NYFA thing at Princeton? Not happening
Catch 22, anyone? Anyone?
Fuck. The world is unfair. I am so sick of busting my ass for people and not getting my due. I fucking hate that I worked like crazy for my job at A-shot, and I didn’t even get to work until the new year, and I won’t be hired for the summer. This is shit. The City is fucking crazy. Why can’t something just work out the way I fucking want it to for once? Just once, I would like everything to fall right into place, which it never ever does. I have qualifications and experience up the ass, and the best I can hope for is MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE! I know it sounds petty, and unlike me, but I’m bitter. Can-Do fucked me over, and I don’t want to have to wait until next year for a half-buck raise.
I’m sorry, I don’t mean to go on a rampage. I’m just in a crummy mood. Being trapped in the wrong body can do that to you.
Just in case anyone out in cyberspace was wondering, popular opinion states that my kiss is indeed orgasmic. Yes, the rumors are true!
My mom is being very controlling, and it’s frustrating, and she’s making me feel guilty about it. And my brother is not helping matters.