Before I left for Oregon I had my baptism! It was AMAAAZING!!! I couldn't of asked for it any other way! Here's some quick pics of it!
^That was the dunk!
^Luann, Katie, and Kyle came!! They are the best!!!! YOU GUYS BETTER COME VISIT ME SOON!!♥
^Karl & Nate even came, which was a huge surpise to me, but it was really awesooome!
I'm hopefully going to go back up to seattle sometime in August. I found out that I'm not going to be able to get my car until some time then so that was sort of a bummer. Things have been looking pretty good though, I met a couple people here the other night, and it's just not the same as back home, but it'll be alright. I really miss katie and the family. It was fun living with them! I miss her a lot.
Anyways, I'll keep in touch with everyone and I'll visit sometime soon.