Sep 11, 2005 10:17
she's dangerous, super baddd..
frosh week is officially over. i have a feeling it's going to bring on the official ending of other things too, but i won't get into that right now. - i love all of my classes, they're frigging brilliant. so many students who actually want to be there. i get to be with atleast one friend in every class except spanish, but thats a class of like fifteen people so i'm not too worried.
last night turned into very little than expected. dodgeball was somewhat of a bust and jill and i managed to adventure about seventy thousand times. oh well, i had fun. i like that i'm getting to experience new friendships and other fun things that highschool didnt offer. i love meeting so many new people. dalhousie really attracts the ontario folk, its nuts.
work is so awesome! everyone should come to kara's day spa only because it is the greatest location on the face of the planet. i love it there and most of the people i work with.. one woman got fired yesterday because she had some complaints and that really sucks but whatevvvvs. i love my job.
anyway, today i have reading to finish and i'm going to clean my room and practice some dancing (which i've been slacking on hardcore)... all on a nice sunny day. aww shucks.