so this is christmas

Dec 16, 2005 21:04

im so bored this is what i have resorted to -

------------------RIGHT NOW------------------

Wearing:PJ's !
I'm feeling: bored/upset /excited
Eating: nothing (thats a first)
Drinking: water
Thinking about: i hate being grounded / i cant wait to go home
Listening to: Lovage -strangers on a trian
Watching: the computer screen
Talking to: adam!


-- What is your Full Name?: Ariana Rae Brubaker
-- What color pants are you wearing right now?:pink !
-- What color is your shirt?: white
-- What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 92 or 47
-- What was the last thing you ate: shrimp for dinner
-- How is the weather right now: rainy and cold actually i think its going to snow
-- Last person you talked to on the phone: my Grammy
-- First thing you notice about the opposite sex: uhhm apperance/cleanlieness
-- How are you today: I'm just fine a little bummed about the whole grounded thing
-- Favorite Drink:peach bath house drinks
-- Favorite Sport to watch: i dont
-- Do you wear contacts: no i wear glasses
-- Siblings: 3 brothers 2 half sisters
-- Favorite Month: june or july
-- Favorite Food: SUSHI duuuh !
-- Last Movie you Watched: riding in cars with boys (which apperantly is a BIG no no)
-- Favorite Day of the Year:Oct. 31
-- Are you too shy to ask someone out:thats tacky im a girl
-- Summer or Winter: summer fo sho
-- Hugs or Kisses?: hmmm depends on the person...?
-- Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla vanilla vanilla
-- Do you want your friends to write back?: oh i dont really care
-- Who is most likely to respond: not really sure
-- Who is least likely to respond: does this matter ?
-- What book are you reading?: nothing
-- What's on your mouse pad?: little baby tigers <3

-- What did you do last night: sat at my house on the phone with adam grounded :\

-- Can you touch your nose?: oh lord i hope so
-- Favorite Flower?: lillys !

-- What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?: uhhmm i dont ?

-- Who pays the bills in your home?: my mommy

-- Where is your favorite vacation spot?: any where thats not oregon

-- What is your biggest regret?: oh theres one

-- What do you think the perfect date would be?: somthing that makes me happy/fun/with some one special

-- If you could be invincible to one thing what would it be?:

--What would be the first thing you would purchase if you were a millionaire for a day?: uhhm somthing for either my dad , adam or amanda

-- What kind of life, other then the one you have now, would you have like to have had: i love my life the only thing that could make it better would be for my dad amanda and adam to live with me

-- If there was 1 person from your past you could see again who would it be and why: my yaya she was the world

-- What kind of animal would you be if you had to come back as an animal in a future life?: a bush baby cause they are the most adorable things ever

-- What is your favorite restaurant?: benniehana

-- Tell us something we don't know about you: I am the biggest hypocondreact

-- If you could have a hot date or intellectual conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?: hmm an intellectual conversation with marilyn monroe for sure uhmm a hot date would have to be with ashton kuchter from like 5 years ago when he was an underwear model

-- What is your most recurring dream you have had?: i dont have recurring dreams well none that i can remember

-- What is one of your most embarrassing moments: oh boy i dont know ?

-- What city would you really want to live in?: Milan deffinatly Milan its the fashion capitol of the world

-- As a kid, what did you think you would "BE" when you grew up?: same thing i still want to be

-- Who is the funniest person that has ever made you laugh famous or not?: either kyle provo or kurtis

-- Tell one thing about yourself that would surprise people if they knew?: i dont know ?

-- If you could spend the rest of your life with one person who would it be?: this is really really heard i couldnt pick one i would spend the rest of my life with amanda and adam they mean the world to me and are the most imporant people in my life

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

Ever been so drunk you blacked out: one time really bad

Been hurt emotionally: oh boy yes

Had an imaginary friend: haha no but i sorta wish i did

Cried during a Movie: i always cry during movies

Been shot at: oh gosh no thank God

Had a crush on a teacher:

Thought a cartoon character was hot?: are you kidding me ?

Been on stage: yes

Cut your hair: oh heck no im waaaaay do scard to do that

Been sarcastic: this qusetion is lame


Shampoo: paul mitchel

Day/Night: Night fo sho

Color: pink,orange,tan

Lace or Satin: oh boy to hard i cant pick just one

Fave cartoon character: princess irenie form the princess and the goblin

Fave Movie: valley girls,igby goes down,crazy/beautiful,dirty dancing,la bamba,salena,mean girls duuuh !

Fave Ice Cream: daqueri ice

Fave Subject: SPANISH its my new passion fo sho!

------------------IN THE LAST 24 HOURS, HAVE YOU------------------

Cried: oh no

Worn a skirt: actually even thought its all snowie and stuff yes i have

Met someone new: yeah

Cleaned your room: uhhh no sorry

Driven a car: oh no they dont let me on the rodes

------------------DO YOU BELIEVE ------------------

Yourself: oh yes

Your friends: AMANDA

Santa Claus: hella fo sho

Tooth Fairy: yeah her name is sherly


Destiny/Fate: yeah i do

Angels: mmhmmm

Ghosts: i dont know actually ?

Evil spirits: as for myself no

UFOs: dont know ? but im leaning toward no

----FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

Who have you known the longest out of your friends?: amanda/april/sheena

Who's the loudest?:robyn but thats only after a few drinks or taylor

Who's the weirdest: ADAM !

Who do you go to for advice?: amanda ,monica,or mary but mostly amanda

What's the best feeling?: being extremly happy with your life and yourself

What time did you finish?: 11:42
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