Oct 30, 2006 20:51
I had some long awesome post for you guys, but my computer decided to be a bitch. Sorry had to use the word, but it was long and grrrrrr.
Anyways My band won GRAND CHAMPION at our comp Saturday.
I cried so much
I love my new band director so much
I wish I could express to him how much it means to me that he picked up the band program that had gone past rock bottom.
We beat 16 bands
because it was the type of the comp where you have festival, then competition and then they pick the best 7 bands out of the 16 and then we compete in finals. WE FREAKING WON!!!
I'm so happy
Oh and my brother is getting married tomorrow and my house is nothing but stress
I hope everyone has a lovely Halloween
I love you guys
ps- The MCR album rocks!