(no subject)

May 07, 2006 22:22

hey everyone, im kind of on a mini hiatus at the moment, just until the end of this week because i have many assignments due, so sorry for not being here, but i shall return soon. anyway this is an email i sent a friend, which pretty much updates my life so far.
it might come across as immature (but keep in mind im fucking angry) and also keep in mind that joe and i went out for one year, and were still sleeping with each for six months after that, up until mid-march this year.

my life... well its gone into a complete mess at the moment.
i do want mazz though. still.

my life is a mess because...
well after joe and i broke up we were still kinda seeing each other up until mid-march which was when i got with mazz. I was fine, i thought i'd moved on and everything, but then out of nowhere i found myself missing his friendship (just the friendship, nothing else) and i became a bit upset and started talking to this girl from the deli about, because i thought we were friends. She was comforting me about it all, and then YESTERDAY i find out she's his new fucking girlfriend (im still pissed off at this, cant you tell).
she's SIXTEEN, in year fucking 11, and he's turning TWENTY. and she is one of the most immature people ive ever met. she talks like a baby. actually. like instead of spaghetti she says 'biscetti'. FUCKKKK. and she actually once asked 'what do i use to sweep the floor?' umm.. how about a broom? ever heard of that?
So im kinda feeling betrayed by her now. and its funny (well not actually) but joe and i used to bitch sooo much about how immature she was. So anyway yesterday i confronted her at work and told her i knew they were going out. She denied it at first but i told her that people had seen them holding hands and stuff and then i laid a MASSIVE guilt trip on her ('iyou've betrayed me' 'i thought i could i trust you' 'i considered you to be a friend' 'thats really low to do such a thing to a friend') and she started crying! i mean come on, friends ex-boyfriends are just off limits. thats just the way it is right.
you know, i thought i wasn't good at confrontation, and i do avoid it if i can, but once i really get worked, ive realised im really not afraid to confront people.
And you know what, this girl katrina, she falls 'in love' with any guy who pays her the slightest bit of attention. At the very end of april (i should mention theyve been going out for two whole weeks now wow!) she was telling joe, and two other guys from work how much she loved them and wanted to be with them, it was just a matter of would any of them actually fall for it, and joe was the only one stupid enough.
im full of a lot of anger and resentment at the moment, which isnt really good, but a few of us from work will exact our revenge and sabotage their relationship slowly.
i spoke to him on the phone as recent as friday night and he pretty much said he still had feelings for me and actually cried when i spoke to him (i mean i was crying too though) and she, well she just falls in love with any guy. Joe would be the fifth or sixth guy from safeway, and the only one stupid enough to go out with her.
i dont know where their relationship will go, but i dont think very far.
they're all so dumb! i can't handle it!
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