The day before it starts, dundunduuun

Feb 08, 2008 11:43

I don't know how it is for you, but generally the day before my period, I am hating life. I get terrible cramps, and my general outlook on everything goes down the shitter. And I have a tendancy to dwell on it for oh... the next 4 days while I slowly start to feel anemic.

To ward off the icky-feelings, I fall back on sweet alcohol and bud. Emphasis on the bud. But, I'm trying to turn shit around. Before I moved into my new apartment, I went a week without drinking. Not a single drop, no matter how much I wanted it. The past 2-ish weeks I've been living here, though... I've had at least one drink every night. Most of the time, it didn't stop at one. DJ has said that he will be my Battle Buddy - Which will make it easier for both of us to quit our bad habits.

This decision to quit has come at a trying moment in my life. Trying for me, anyway. I'm not saying that I'm high mantinence, but well... Okay, I kinda am. Things over at DJ's store aren't going so well - he's now the only piercer they have and so he has agreed to work 7 days a week for them. That means Monday through Saturday, he'll be there 11 am - 8 pm, and 11 am til' 5/6ish on Sundays. This is helpful to DJ in two ways that I can see: 1- He'll get a lot of overtime and will be able to pay off debts/save some money. 2- He'll be at work all the time and won't be able to drink anyway, making it much easier to resist the lunch-time beer that turns into drinking for the rest of the day.
I am going to attempt to be as understanding as possible. I know working 7 days a week, nine hours a day is going to take a toll on DJ. He's going to be doing this for the next several months. I can't see how our relationship won't suffer because of this. He's going to be stressed, down and out because we're trying to kick the bad stuff... and I'll be an emotional wreck 'cause hey - lets face it - I'm a basket case on the stuff, take it away from me, and I might summon up Hell itself! For those of you who don't know how quitting this sorta thing is... it makes you easily irritable, very moody... if you're a woman, think of how you feel while you're PMSing, except times ten, and you know that if you have this bad thing you're longing for and denying yourself, you know that if you had just a bit o' that, that you would feel a bit more normal. It fucking sucks! But I know that if I stick with it, eventually I won't crave these things anymore. That is my goal: to lose my dependance.

Soooo, yeah. My current life stresses. One of these days, I'll post about something happy...
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