Nov 30, 2007 14:08
hey guys...
so yes, i's been nearly a month, and i feel awful, you all update at least every week where as i,..usually don't update too whats new with me??
well lets start here:
not too bad actually, considering i got my wisom teeth out a week ago and i was eating solid foods by sunday :) that was exciting, no colds or anything yet which is surprising cause i live in res..and it's a sess pool (spelt that wrong) but you get what i mean. Perhaps its this lovely Yoplay Imunnity's delish!
The stress is subsiding HARD CORE! I'm so close to being done and then it's placement all second semester and and then i get to graduate!! AWESOME!! but hey, what do you do when your a semester away from graduating and you realize your program may not be for you?? So ya..thats whats happening..I'm definitely going to finsih the program but i also may be coming back. I am currently in Child and Youth Worker and I know that I do want to work with kids, just not behavioural kids, maybe speical needs kids..i think that's my forte..which is why i'm terrrified to go to placement next year in a group home for all girls..who are all behaviourl...ack!!
I need to explore my options..i was thinking of coming back for EA but now there may be a better program....not plan thus far:
APply for RA which would be awesome to get,
stay living in the hammer all summer in rez, and work at the front desk full time and maybe something in the field part time....and come back for something that i know i want to do for sure :)
so..ya...thats school
Work is work..i love my job. go front desk!!
Renzie and I are doing really good. I'm so excited for our first christmas together. :) he is amazing. lol..i really have no complaints about my big sexy italian. lol
I miss all my friends from home like crazy....there are a few friends around here that are really starting to get to me....
and everything else!!
I'm SOOOO Exccited for christmas, you have NOOO idea..i'll be so happy when i'm done here and can just come home and chill out.
it'll be awesome.
anyways..i think thats about it.
can't wait to see everyone :)