Sep 06, 2004 23:15
Well, we got this dog named Tucker two weeks ago. Today he got out of the backyard and ran down onto the busy I went to go get him. I saw him, and I said "come here tucker", he started coming and then he got hit head on by this stupid fucking half blind stupid bitch asian in a stupid burgundy colored little car, then I watched him gasp for air and breath his very last breathe, I was crying so hard that I just kept choking up. Tomorrow animal control is coming to get his body. I dont want them to take him away, I loved him so much. I have never ever watched an animal die before, and it is the worst thing to ever see in your whole life, and then you end up thinking of all these ways you could've done something different for them to still be alive, but truthfully it wasn't your fault, it was the stupid fucking half blind stupid bitch asian in that stupid burgundy colored little car.
X_x Chelsea x_X