I just bought this.
I have to go to the doctors tomorrow. Yeah I'm pretty much dreading it, I hate going to the doctors. I can pretty much already predict what they are going to say.
I also have to go and try and get some form from the county so I can my permit finally haha. They are way too difficult here, I have to get a special form just because I do homeschool. psh. Yeah let's see if I can even past I hope so.
I want my brown hair back.
I feel so bad, I feel like I'm going to puke. I don't even have any reason. Well I suppose I do. My dad said, oh yeah you're going to go to college down the street for a couple years right? Nooooooooo. I don't want to. I want to go to Massachusetts soooo bad.
Tomorrow is my brothers birthday & he is annoying the crap out of me.
I'm going to try and get a job on Monday at the racetrack.
I want new glasses, or some contacts.