I got it from my mama

Oct 11, 2007 17:09

100 Things You May Not Have Known About Me..

1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
nada enchilada.

2. Do you think your good looking?
Eh i have my ugly days.

3. Who took this survey before you?

4. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
I dont text, calls are better.

5. Last time you went swimming in a pool?

6. Are you happy?
Si Senorita.

7. Where was the last place you went shopping?
The WWW.

10. Last thing you ate?

11. Want to kick anyone's ass?
No I do not like kicking donkeys.

12. What time is it?

13. Do you have any expensive jewelry?
Yes but I never wear them I like to wear them cheap hoops.

14. AIM or MSN?

16. How many hours on average do you work a week.?
If I aint got no money take my broke ass home :[

17. Do you like someone right now?
Maybe yes maybe no maybe so so so

18. Do you watch the Olympics?
Sometimes, not really.

19. Last restaurant you went to?
California Pizza one a dou a dree a! Kitchen a!

21. Who was the last person to call you?

22. What's your sign?
Saggy tarius

25. Where do you spend most of your money?
De Clothetas and Foodedos.

26. Where does most of your family live?
New Joisey, New Yawk and the PI.

27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
1 brother from the same mother.

28. How many people at school do you think are cute?

29. Last person you hugged?
I zont zemember!

33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?

34. Collect anything?
Barbie, Power Rangers and BARNEY.

35. Myspace or Facebook?

36. Do you have Tmobile?
Nah, Im raising the bar.

41. Last time you saw your parents?
5 minutos ago

43. Ever been to a wedding?
Yes yes yo.

46. Are you missing anyone at the moment?

47. Did you take a nap today?
oui oui sil vous plait!

48. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
5? 6? 7 8 ?

56. Do you support the troops?
Si but not the war.

57. Could you handle being in the military?
Nah, Id be scared as heck even though everyone knows im so tough and buff.

62. Do you own a camera phone?
haha yes! and it comes with like this feature where you could put an afro to someone! so far my g mama has one and sheena and marc!

63. Ever had to take a sobriety test?
Nah! I've had a taste test when i was like 7 at this camp though and it was nastay!

66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out?
HHAH like last year! TAE KWON DO! KIYA i hahated it, ey check out my pack though huh? huh?

68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use?
Shalom Flickr!

69. Last place you were at?
El Kitchenitos! i got spagbooty and wada wada falls!

70. What is your current wish?
I dont vant to! i might end up like that girl on goosebumps that wishes for something and it back fires oh her like when she wished for everyone to bug off everyone turned into flies.

74. Where do you wish you were right now?
Nowhere. Yeswhere?

80. Favorite place to be?
Downtown LA, im a night prowler on the dl.

82. Favorite sit down restaurant?
any thai restaurant! you want some chikin currrry?

83. Ever been to Disney Land/World?
one day i will go to Disney World, oneday, one day.

84. What is the weather like today?
Sunnyish, coldish, windish, soapdish.

87. Do you email?
Yes sir but only to old people.

88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill?

90. Do you use drugs?
All the time! im a big fan of tylenol and advil.

91. Last voice mail you've received?
I think Marc?

92. Do you drunk dial?
Nah do you dial the drunk? i dont think so.

94. Do you like Dane Cook?
Oh man yeah!

96. Last time you were sick?
Monday it was really gross.

97. Are you lactose intolerant or do you have IBS?
Nah I am fully lactose tolerant and control my bowel movements.

99. Ready for the weekend?
NO! planning planning planning.

100. What did you do last night?
I was at a club where everyone got drunk and was dealing drugs while dancing intensely under the blacklight like that Rilo Kiley Cd that one of their songs is in my invitation to my de butt that im really excited and scared for, speaking of scared im scared for my report card especially for my 4th period i zunt like it at all i hate math and i hate unorganized clothes which i still havent fixed maybe i fixed it a lil but NAH its still messy like bessy the cow that gives milk which i really love i love milk and i love going on and on about anytthing it may be annoying but who cares! you care? I dont care!


Oh yeah WestCamp was amamazing 

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