Oct 19, 2007 15:33
Ive neglected this place, what is up with that picture? It needs changing, 40 weeks ago I thought it was funny now I think its just awful! Hope dustin and paul are okay. Ive neglected you Im very sorry.
Nothing much has changed with me. I handed in my resignation at waitrose but they love me to much so Im just working sundays till the end of january so I can get my bonus still. Which will do. Still with my boyfriend. We have our ups and downs and its like 20 months now I think but what do you expect its not all fairy tales! But im generally happy, I could pick but even livejournal cannot be that personal!
My boyfriends mum might be getting me a job at her hospital on a monday so it fits around uni and I still get the weekend to spend with my boy. Its just data and admin but the money is not bad, its a bit of a mission to get there but I get london allowence, money for working in london how cool is that!
Uni well dont get me started I passed my first year just.... but creative writing really was not for me at all. So I get to start all over again and be in even more debt! Im now doing criminology and history, im enjoying it more than I was enjoying english lit and creative writing but I still have a passion for the literature. During reading week I have to go sit in a magistrates court for a session not looking forward to that. There is a public gallery so it is allowed but I swear the only people that sit in those kinda courts are family members or the witness of the accused? Im think I might be getting some evils from some certain people!
I saw maximo park recently with winsel that was jokes and seeing david gray and biffy clyro soon. But no drugs or gigs like I used to. At the maximo park gig I felt so young. Other alternative gigs I felt old but everyone seemed like late 20s. Its even more aggressive trying to get to the bar with a bunch of thirty year old men trying even harder. Give me little kids in skinny jeans and no id anyday!
Reading back on my previous entrys I cringe. I cant believe I wrote those things or was that person, Ive changed so much. Maybe Im not the sort of person that needs livejournal anymore. Dont worry though Im not letting go just yet for anyone that might care!
Take care everyone and I might update again when Im bored during a ethonography lecture if your lucky!
That picture has go to go!
I just noticed reading over that I use this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got to stop that