Aug 18, 2006 08:55
Spending most of my time with my boyyyyyyyyyy. His great, I l*@# him.
Results where yesterday I just scraped by and got my first choice place at Kingston University studying English Literature and Creative Writing. Im dreading the reading list for the course me thinks it might be slightly large. Everyone is well proud of me and im sort of in shock cause I did not work for these exams like revision was five minutes before scribbled on the back of a napkin or the like. I was hyping myself up for a gap year but it seems that is not happening. Going to uni is what my mum wants me to do, myself im not so sure. I think I might get bored of the one subject. But the campus is local and I guess its just another three years to waste! I can't believe that a uni let in a drop out like me. My attendence at sixth form was appaling I never turned up. People that went and didnt get in to their first choice are very pissed off with me. Charlie (the boyf) says im smart but I think its just luck.
I've been spending alot of time with him and mates have been on my case and I apologise for my lamness. Chinese and wine soon.
Sorry for not updating this thing people and not reading how you are getting on also. Hope everyone is good and well and having a awesome summer which is nearly over.
1.Update livejournal more.
2.See friends more.
3.Try hard at uni?
See I like to prioritise.
love love