Aquarius Horoscope for 12/13- 12/19
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to seem confident, reliable and intelligent at all times. Especially when you feel you're in over your head. Don't blow it all by wishing for the stars. Aim high, but be more realistic. Keep your ears open for the topics that you have stronger knowledge on. Think before you talk and all will go well. Pay closer attention to others and they will acknowledge your good standing in the community. Don't allow someone's attitude to put a damper on good spirits. Your weekend plans with loved ones is just what you need. This horoscope provided by
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Blogthings. about being right on target lol
This beat is, Automatic supersonic hypnotic funky fresh, Work my body so melodic, This beat flows right through my chest, Everybody ma and poppy came to party, Grab somebody,Work your body, work your body, Let me see you 1,2 step