sence i know you guys all love reading these. :)
1 MINUTE AGO: I was singing.
I HURT: my leg
I LOVE: My friends.
I HATE: school
I FEAR: that summer will never come
I HOPE: its hot out tomorrow
I FEEL: dirty :)
I LISTEN: to 50 cent yo!
I HIDE: from andy
I DRIVE: my bike
I MISS: you ;)
I KNOW: That you want me.
I CANT WAIT: till i go upnorth. :)
I NEED: you
Current Clothes: shorts, hoodie
Current Mood: bored, hungry
Current Music: 50 cent
Current Taste: water
Current Hair: ponytail
Current Annoyance: my sister
Current Smell: nothing
Current thing I should be Doing: homeworkk
Current Desktop Picture: stripes
Current Book: None.
Current Movie In DVD: napolean dinamite
Current Refreshment: water
Current Crush: teddy...
x Full Name: Jessica Marie Niedzielski
x Birthday: 12121991
x Zodiac: Sagituarius
x What time is it?: 8:13
x What is the date?: 4-30
x Other Names Your Parents Considered: Kristen
--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------
x School: LCMSE
x E-mail:
x Eyes: brown.
x Hair: drk.brown//black
x Height: 5"6'
x Shoe Size: 8 1/2
x Who lives with you? mom, dad, sister.
x When is your bedtime? i don't have one, usually 10-1030 on schoolnights, and whenever on weekends.
--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------
x Cried: nope
x Worn jeans: yeah
x Met someone new: no
x Done laundry: no. dont know how to work the washerr
x Cursed: yes.
x Watched a Movie: yeah.
x Went to the movies: no.
x Went shopping: no.
x Gotten sick: yes.
x Been kissed: no.
x Given a kiss: no.
x Lied: no.
----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
x Missed school cuz of weather: yeahh
x Lit urself on fire: no. and i dont plan on itt
x Kept a secret from everybody: yes.
x Had an imaginary friend: yeah when i was like little
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: yupp
x Cried during a Movie? yes.
x Had crush on an teacher? nope.
x Been on stage: yes.
x Cut your own hair: yeah :)
x Done drugs: never.
x Seen a murder: no
------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: Brooke emily and sarah W.
x First car: dont got one.
x First real date: well, i've never actually been on a date.
x First real break-up: 7th grade
x First self purchased album: haha backstreet boys.
x First piercing/tattoo: ears.
x First enemy: couldn't tell you.
x First Kiss: when i was like in kindergarden :)
x First failing grade: this year or last year
----------------------In the Last Week -------------------
x Been mean: yes.
x Been sarcastic: yes.
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: yea
x Hugged someone: yeah.
x Fought with your parents? psh...yea
x Got in an argument with your best friend: nope.
x Laughed until you cried: yes.
x Played Truth or Dare: no
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: nope
x Went to the beach at night: no.
-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------
x Called you: sami
x Slept in your bed: me
x Saw you cry: no one
x Made you cry: my parents
x Made you laugh: probably one of my friends.
x You shared a drink with: dont remmeber
x You went to the movies with: sami teddy and justin
x Bought you something: myself.
x Sent you an email: haha im not cool enough to know how to work e-mail realli :)
-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------
x Black or white? white
x TV or movie? movie.
X Cat or dog? dog.
x Walmart or target? target
x Spring or Fall? spring.
x Sun or rain? depends. i love both.
x What are you gonna do after this? dunno. i have no life :)
x What was the last meal you ate? some crappy health bar thing. tasted like shit
x Are you bored? very.
x Last noise you heard? music
x Shampoo: pantene pro-v
x Favorite Color: pink and orange
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: spring and summer
x Favorite Movies: a lot.
x Favorite sport: volleyball
---------------------What are You?-------------------------
x Wearing: shorts/hoodie
x Thinking about: you. ;)
x Listening to: music.
------------------------Have You Ever 2-----------------------
x Been to Canada? yes
x Danced Naked? ..........:)
x Skinny dipped? yes.
x Stalked someone? nope
x Snuck out? yes.
x Wished you were the opposite sex: at times.
------------------------ Random ----------------------------
x Are you bored? yes.
x Are you lonely? no
x Are you happy? dunno
x Do you drink? no
x Who named you? my dad
x When was the last time you showered? this morning.
x What color pants do you have one right now? black shorts
x What song are you listening to right now? dunno the name :)
x What color is your shirt? red
x What is right next to you? my water bottle
x What is your computer desk made of? umm, wood i guess?
x Are you eating anything? nope
x How are you today? nifty
------------------------- Extras 2----------------------------
x Do you have your license? no, i wish.
x what book are you reading now? nothing.
x Nickname: jess, :)
x Pets: britney
x Siblings: jackie
x Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: no.
x Taken any illegal substances: no
x Gone out in public in your pajamas: yea!
x Played ding-dong-ditch? yeah who hasnt?
x Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: yeah.
x Did something illegal? yes.
x Did you get caught? nope.
x Gotten arrested? no.
x Gotten a ticket for something? nope
x Prank called someone: psh...yea!
---------------------Do You Believe In----------------------
x Yourself: no not realli
x Santa Claus: no.
x Tooth Fairy: no.
x Destiny/Fate: yes
x Angels: yes.
x God: yes.
--------------------Friends and Life------------------------
x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? yes
x Do you like anyone? yeah i guess
x What's the best feeling in the world: being with someone you love, having fun and making a complete idiot out of yourself.
x Worst Feeling: being heartbroken, sad, missing someone
x Worst fear: dying, being alone.
x Time now: 8:23
x Last car ride: thursday
x Last good cry: the other night
x Last library book checked out: dunno dont check ne out
x Last beverage drank: water
x Last shoes worn: adidas sandals
x Last cd played: burned.
x Last item bought: clothes.
x Last annoyance: my mom yelling at me
x Last disappointment: dont remember
x Last time wanting to die: last night
x Last website visited: livejournal.
[x] Name: jess
[x] Nicknames: jess
[x] Screen name: xx1twasonlyakiss
[x] Sex: Female.
[x] Birthday: december 12th
[x] Height: 5'6
[x] Hair color: drk.brown//black
[x] Is your hair long or short: Medium.
[x] Eye color: Brown.
[x] City born in: Detroit
[x] Location now: Chesterfield.
[x] Siblings: jackie
[x] Parents married/divorced: Married.
[x] Who are your closest friends: all of em
[x] Who makes you laugh the most?: brooke
[x] Who knows the most about you?: sarah or tori
C R U S H I N'
[x] Pre-School: dont remember
[x] Kindergarten: j
[x] 1st Grade: j
[x] 2nd Grade: brandon
[x] 3rd Grade: dont remember
[x] 4th Grade: adam
[x] 5th Grade: cody
[x] 6th Grade: i dont rember
[x] 7th Grade: ohhhhhhhhhhh lots :)
[x] Boy/girl friend status: boyfriend
[x] Do you have a job: No, i really need one though.
[x] What are you scared of: death
[x] interesting thing you did this summer: me and emily were stalked by andy, ran from him 100 times :)
[x] Have you ever done any drugs: nope.
[x] Do you collect anything: nadda.
[x] Are you a ditz: yeah :)
[x] Day of the week: Friday.
[x] Thing in your room: my window. ahaha and my clothes???
[x] CD: Probably a burned one.
[x] Song(s): SO MANY!
[x] Animal: none.
[x] Ice cream: strawberry
[x] Drink: vanilla coke, sprite
[x] Thing to do: be stupid, hang with friends, go to movies, shopp
[x] Movies of all time: so many.
[x] Hangout: mall, movies, houses.. what everrr
[x] Pizza topping: cheese
[x] Where do you see yourself in 10 years: out in cali. baby with sexii surfer doodes. haha idk?
[x] If you could live anywhere: Cali.
[x] Dream house: A huge house near the ocean
[x] What age do you want to get married: 24//25
[x] How many kids do you want: 3 or 4
[x] Girl's names: jennifer, kristen
[x] Boy's names: jacob justin jeremy josh brandon
H A V E Y O U E V E R.
[x] Been in love?: yea??
[x] Lied?: yes.
[x] Cheated on a test?: yes
[x] Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no.
[x] Tied your shoes together?: yes.
[x] Eaten something with a lot of fat?: yes.
[x] Worst Feeling in the world: heartbroken, fat, idk??
[x] Best feeling in the world: Having fun, Laughing, being in love
[x] Can you define love?: nope.
[x] Do you get along with your parents?: nope not realli
[x] Are you ticklish?: yes.
[x] Where?: alot of places.
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: eyes, hair, voice, smell, clothes.
[x] Perfect "dream" date: walking on the beach and watching the sunsett
[x] What do you look for in the opposite sex?: looks, personality, eyes, smile.
[x] What does the opposite sex not know about you?:
[x] What do you wear to bed: tank and shorts
[x] What's your bed time: I dont really have one, usually around 10, 1030.
[x] Do you wish on stars: yea sometimes
[x] Is there a TV in your room: yea, its gay though
[x] What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: think about everything.
yea that was gay gay gay:)