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Mar 20, 2005 15:57

OH MY..hasn't it been a fun weekend?
first of all. i spent aaaaall firday night chucking paper out , and dusting and making everything neat and tidy , then on saturday..matt came over and helped go through stuff i didn't want , both my parents were out and..well richard was bak with katie..and it was ohhh so lovely. My room looks a tiny bit empty..but lovely because i am totally de-cluttering.There a Jimmy Eat world signing tomorrow.i just might go to that but matt's not comming , neither is messayo..or her mum..soo it might be a bit lonely , but i'll survive! i started a scrap book which i want them to sign..then i'll find matt davies to sign it..then...whoever ! (i especially want matt davies to sign it)
but yeahhh i got a new phone! still comtemplating if i should change my number , which i probably will do in the next few days , i'll notify everyone in my phonebook.
Today i skipped chinese school...again and went to habitat and ikea to look for new stuff with matt i think it's the fact that it's summer..but it's makes me so happy , i feel happy that Lara is still my friend..because we've known each other forever and well things happened but we got through it all , because we are great friends and because we just talk to each other a lot, i feel happy because i have matt , he listens to me aaaall the time , helps me out with everything , knows me inside , out and is willing to let me have my way in every aspectAND put's up with my matt davies obsession. i feel greatful for messayo because she is so bold , and doesn't care what people think , she has an awseome mum , and is always there for me, i'm greatful for mike because he is totally crazy , and can make anyone laugh , i'm greatful for jack , paul and jonathan because they've been my friends since forever and always up for a laugh even if they spend more time doing coursework then hanging around with us , I LOVE YOU DAVID! because in times of need , you always come rushing over and you help convinve my parents to let me do stuff..and help me get out of my own house when my parents are trying to stop me , i'm greatful for having hannah around to fangirl about fruba and just for being herself..i'm sorry if i left anyone out..but you're all remembered in jazz's hall of fame (^_^)
anyhoot...i'll update soon.
Sesame xxx
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