well i got my hair cut.
but then i can't find my camera
i drew it out for you. :]
p.s. its me and thomas.
[Name] Colleen
[Age] 15
[Sex] Girl
[School] North
[State] Ga
[Exact Location] uh?
[Current Date] Nov 6th, 2005.
[Current Time] 2:04
[Clothes] Jeans&t-shirt.
[Weather] dark?
[Hair Do] kinda done?
[Footware] None
[Mood] Tired&Bored
[Talking To] Courtney
[Sounds] Say Anything
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]
[Cups On Desk] 0
[Pets] 3
[Siblings] 2
[Crushes] 1
[Cousins] 16
[Aunts] 8
[Uncles] 8
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a] [y] [d][o] [y][o][u]
[Change Clothes] A lot.
[Shower] uhhh. hah.
[Brush Your Teeth] once
[Wash Your Face] once
[Brush Your Hair] none
[Eat] a lot.
[Say the Word "ok"] a lot
[Yell at Your Siblings] like never.
[Slam Doors] uh? none?.
[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]
[Bite Your Nails] some
[Stress] hahaha no.
[Take out Your Issues On Others] not usuallly..
[Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] i bite my lip?
[Flirt Too Much] No
[Eat Too Much] Yea
[Have an Eating Disorder] Nope.
[Tend to Judge People] yeah
[Any Other Habbits?] i tend to kill people and stuff them in like freezers in my basement, or something like that. SIKE.
[f][o][r] [a] [m][i][l][l][i][o][n] [b][u][c][k][s] [(would you)]
[Name Your Kid Dammit] No?
[Strip For Your Classmates] nopee.
[Shave Your head] more than likely.
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] ew. no.
[Wax An Old man's Back] Uhhm no. thats sick.
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] No? This is ridiculous.
[Eat A Snake] if it was candy?
[Make Out With Your Best Friends Boyfriend] No?
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] nope.
[Make Out With Your Teacher] wtf is this?
[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] Since we have them?
[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] only like every day.
[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] Boredom.
[What's The Time Now] 2:14
::Questions About You::.
.::About You::.
.::What is your FULL name?::.: Colleen
.::How old are you?::.: 15
.::When's your birthday?::.: Jan 1st
.::Which one of these are you?! {Punk, Prep, Goth, Freak, Gangsta, Emo} ::.: Gangstaa
.::What's your Zodac Sign?::.: Capercorn
.::How much do you weigh?::.: 355786.
.::How tall are you?::.: 5'3" ?
.::Are you, skinny, chunky, chubby, fat, or extra fat?::.: huge
.::What's your favorite color?::.: blue or yellow.
.::What's your favorite band/singer?::.: Fall Out Boy.
.::What's your favorite radio station?::.: I duno probably 95.5 if I listened to it
.::What's your favorite type of shoes?::.: vans.
.::What's your favorite stores to shop at?::.: Any stores.
.::What's your favorite fast food resturaunt?::.: Subway or Mickey d's
.::What's your favorite fancy resturaunt?::.: Chilies.
.::What's your favorite type of food?::.: mexican or Chinise
.::What's your favorite drink?::.: Dr Pepper
.::What's your favorite color eyes?::.: blue or dark brown.
.::What's your favorite color hair?::.: dark.
.::What's your favorite type of animal?::.: Giraffe or elephant.
.::What's your favorite subject in school?::.: language arts& Photography.
.::What's your favorite show?::.: Degrassie and Boy Meets World.
.::What's your favorite movie?::.: Alice in Wonderland& The fox&the hound
.::This or That::.....
.::Party or the Beach?::.: Beach
.::Coke or Sprite?::.: coke
.::Doggies or Kitties?::.: Kitties
.::Shorts or Pants?::.: pants
.::T-Shirts or Long Sleeved?::.: tshirts
.::House or Apartment?::.: Apartment
.::AIM or MSN?::.: aim
.::Lions or Tigers?::.: lions
.::Love or Lust?::.: love
.::Marrige or Sex Partner?::.: marriage
.::Hairspray or Gel?::.: neither.
.::A Couple Best Friends or Lots of Friends?::.: couple best
.::Bath or Shower?::.: bath
.::DVD Player or VCR?::.: dvd
.::Shoes or Sandals?::.: shoes
.::Lipstick or Lipgloss?::.: gloss
.::Fan or AC?::.: fan
.::God or Devil?::.: God?
.::Your Name::.......
.::Do people misspell your name?::.: all the time.
.::If so, first or last name?::.: First
.::How do they misspell it?::.: coleen collen alot of ways..
.::What about your last name? (Not including family)::.:nope.
.::Is anybody named after you?::.: nope
.::Are you named after anyone?::.: nope
.::Would you name your child the same name as you?::.: No.
.::If you were a member of the opposite sex.. what would your name be?::.: Kevin
.::Do you like your name right now?::.: idk.
.::Have Your Ever...::.....
.::Smoked?::.: yea.
.::Got drunk?::.: yea.
.::Kissed a member of the same sex?::.:yes.
.::Bunked school? {How many times?}::.: what does bunked mean? i'm out of it i guess.
.::Had sex?::.: yea.
.::Cybered?::.: psh every night
.::Gone skinny dippin'?::.: yeah
.::Spent money on someone you really liked when they didn't like you?::.:i don't think so?
.::Liked your friends b/f or g/f?::.: yeah christi and i had this triangle thing going two years ago.(megans asnwer worked for me too)
.::Told off a teacher?::.: yeah.
.::Told off your parents?::.: yeah
.::Had surgery? {If so, why?}::.: no
.::Got beating up?::.: no
.::Played strip poker?::.: yes
.::Thought about killing yourself?::.: no...hahahahahhahahahahahaha jesus i hate myself for doing tihs survey.
.::Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?::.: yep.
.::Broken the law? {If so, how?}::.: yea.
.::Hurt yourself?::.: not on purpose, im not a retard.
.::Liked someone who didn't like you back?::.: most likely.
.::Do You Believe In...::......
.::God?::.: not really.
.::Ghosts?::.: not really
.::Miracles?::.: yea
.::Good Luck?::.: yea
.::Magic?::.: yea
.::Love at first sight?::.: no
.::Witches/Worlocks?::.: yea
.::Staying faithful to your partner forever?::.: umm, yea.
.::Santa, Easter Bunny or the Tooth Farie?::.: no