update; thats breaking news douches :D

Jun 20, 2006 22:36

my boyfriend; johnny; is in gerogia&&florida for the next 10! days.
it's hell.
i miss him alot already.
fuck-n-gay man.

i deleted my myspace TODAY!

i was mad at johnny yesterday cos he got pissy about me saying "Goodbye" and X'ing out of the AIM box to "quickly"
wouldnt you me mad too?
apparently i CANT do anything right.
and im a fuck up
and we almost broke up
and maybe are on the verge of it
[i really do hope not. i really love him.
[though according to him our love is whatever right now... wtf?] 
id give up everything in my life if it would better him in a good way]
so, deleted all my pictures on myspace.
i deleted almost all my friends
and then earlier, as i said, i deleted the thing itself.
i'll probably get another one for only friends that i really talk to...
but until then,

i think that i'm about to post a hair timeline on madradhair sometime soon...
maybe tonight...
i gotta get all the other old pictures off of the computer in my room.
UGH, that wont be fun.

i want to watch a movie;
a beautiful mind.
i never saw that.

j p k

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