(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 01:21

on Thursday mrs. dean had her baby.
it was a girl. Celia Dean.

AWW I'M SO EXCITED! :) :) :)
I can't wait to see dean on monday. :D

hahaha, he got wicked mad at me the othher day cause i walked in and was all 'fuck dean, i wanted you to not be here' for the fact that if he wasn't, his wife was in labor, and he got all pissy that he was unwanted.
and then proceed to tell me his wife WAS in labor and he was gonna go to the hospital after work. of course i was thinking in my head 'what an asshole for not going with her', BUTTTT then he laughed and told me i was an idiot for listening to him and she wasn't.
go figure. hah.
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