(no subject)

Jun 25, 2006 22:08

AHHH everything's pissing me off.
first off my mother.
who will not let me out of the goddamned house past 9 even if i'll only be out till 10-11. cause she wants to go to bed. or she's tired. or i've done enough all day. but some nights she'll wait up for domonic who will come strolling in at 11:30 cause he was out with his friends. wtfffffff.
AND NOW, she's all 'oh, you have to find a place to stay the week we all go away'. fuckthatttt. i can't stay home alone because my mother pretty much thinks i'm gonna throw parties and have huge orgies and have my boyfriend sleep over. LIKE that would happen anyway cause i would never get away with shit like that in my neighborhood cause my neighbors are so freakin nosy. so my options are at my nana's out in the boonies away from the world with no phone signal or computer, or my dads whom i would get sick of staying there a day. and i know she's not gonna let me stay at anyone else's except maybe the fox's but i always feel akward when i stay there cause i kinda have a feeling i make michelle feel like she has to hang out with me. which she doesn't.

where i specifically told ron, 'after my dance recital i can work any day you want me too and you can give me more hours'. and he promised me more hours. so what does he do? YEAH, hires someone new so those lovely hours get taken away from me. which is bull. we definately have ENOUGH people working so we don't need her. and wtf is that? that he hires her the week before i can work a ton of hours. and this week i work the same effin hours as i ususally do. no more. BULL. AND he took me off monday which is wicked queer so once again i have a lame paycheck. AND i won't get a raise cause if i haven't gotten it by now then i'm not getting it. which is bullshit cause everyone else except timmy didn't start at minimun wage, and i do enough shit at that place i deserve a freakin raise. and honestly, if i find out the new person started higher i will be RIPSHITTTTT. >:0
and then sue one of our dreakin shift leaders pisses me off more than life cause she sits there and dares to tell me how much i do nothing and i suck, when in one day she gave the wrong pizzas to so many people and never knows what she's doing. eff you, seriously.

and i'm just frustrated cause dance is over and i hate when the summer comes and i don't see those girls as much.
and i just came back from the most akward dinner because i had to restrain myself from talking to someone i had a blast spending the afternoon with because i got the staredown from his girlfriend everytime i talked to him. wtf get over yourself kthanks.
and to top it off peeople have wicked queer away messages and they really need to get over themselves in general cause there really not that great.

that's all.
promised good update soon.
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