"I'm sweating my balls off." "Elizabeth you don't have balls." "FINE, I'm sweating off my vag lips."

May 12, 2006 23:46

Things like the statements above by miss messier make me laugh.

so anyway, hello livejournal world!
long time, no talk, eh?
yeah well. there have been many attempts to update, they just never end up getting done.

SO. FOR NOW, im skipping ahead past some ish to prom.
cause well, i said so. :)

Prom, (May 5th).

school = BLAH.
my momma picked me up at 12:30, and i went home. did my nails in 5 minutes cause im friggen amazing like that.
then my hurr appointment. KID, i love my hairdresser. i walked in having no clue what the eff i was gonna do with my hair and she pulls this thing for me together in a half hour. :)
since i had time between getting home and getting picked up, i got myself all dolled up and stopped at the studio to see my dance teachers and show them my dress. miss becky showed up a few minutes later. AND KRISTEN WAS THERE. ugh, i feel deprived from that woman! haha.
my aunt also came to see me and then i headed home and got picked up by jarrod. haha, i tried pinning his little boutanier flower thingy [i spelled that madd wrong] on to his jacket and almost stabbed him a few times. ;P
pictures and then we headed off to amandas.
lots of ish, but whatever. me, jarrod, ashley, and her boyfriend ended up leaving and got there just in time to mingle.
everyone looked lovely. ♥
then we ate, which by me, jarrod AND cory, it tasted like papa ginos. WHICH isn't too great for a $120 prom. hah.
after that the night was a blur of dancing, talking, and having a shitload of fun. AND KID, i danced MADD RAUNCHY. haha, the inner whore from 13 years of dancing came out. :D
jana and liz requested 'baby got back' for me cause of drama festival weekend.
and during the song aj got all up in my grill and grinded his ass in me for like, 5 minutes. haha, and then while slow dancing me and him serenaded each other from across the floor. hah.

so considering the DJ sucked, i didn't eat from the chocolate fountain, my hair fell out at the end, the DJ didn't play our theme song, and the fact it was DEFINATELY not worth $120...
it was fun. :)

after we all headed back to amandas for a little.
i was madd tired so we left shortly after.
me and jarrod ended up going to diamond hill park cause we didn't wanna go home. we just sat and talked, I SWEAR NO PROM NIGHT PUNANI [hah].
and well, after a few weeks i kinda pulled the question back on him and asked him out.
SO! i now have a boyfriend. ♥ :)

now for the good stuff yo. ;P

me and miss becky outside the studio.

me, becky, and the love of my life aka kristen.

me and leynette.

me and my PFL chmuraaaaa.

me and miss melissa.

heather and jay.

me and my kyle! [except jacinta got in the effin way. hah]

group of hotties. ;P

me and miss heather. :)

heather, tyler, dan.

john and kayla. <3

shannon and kyle. <3

I don't care HOW white i look, this is hands down my favorite picture. ♥

miss elizabeth, miss kelsey, and miss jacinta.

the papa ginos crew yo! ;P

nice tabitha/cory face.

typical tabitha/cory face.

ashley and doogie/taylor.

james and mary. [and pretty much, mary is the freaking WOMAN]

this was when andrew otto, chris churchill and chris poitras got up and danced while we were eating.

sergio and i.


COMPLETLY unintentional yet cory lefort ends up smack in the middle dancing like a moron. haha.

this makes me laugh.

me and erica, all gross and sweaty, like we were in your bed last night. OHHHHHHH. ;P

madd pimpin yo.

yunno, this picture would be pretty freakin amazing if it weren't for cory not being able to work my camera and making me look like a sleezeball while talking.

but i love aj pictures regardless. :)


AND THESE were my 5 minute french manicured nails... post papa ginos. hah.

Saturday. slept till freakin 2:30 in the afternoon. hah. then papa ginos till closing. we didn't get out of there till one cause pearson came in and decided to be a pain. IT SUCKED. and everyone was just pissing me off cause i felt like i was doing everyone's work. but cory got in a fight with one of our MIT's lisa which was HYSTERICAL and all worth working. :)
Sunday. vaccumed the house and then hung out with jarrod till work. we closed late AGAIN, which sucked. haha, me and cory got this whole washing dishes mechanisim down and thought we were cool, and then jarrod comes in and does both jobs twice as fast. were kinda lame. hah. and cory got in another fight with lisa. this one much better and dragged out. :)
Monday. school. went and got my drama schedule for my play. then hung out with jarrod and passed out on his couch till work. AND i got to close bench again, which blows. I HATE PIZZA BENCH. >:0 BUT! helena said i did good, and she don't like a lot of people so that makes me feel better. :)
Tuesday. school. had study for health. and corey slept in between the bleachers. ;P

jarrod came over for dinner; he's such a suck up to my mom. hah. then dance. i absolutely LOVE our jazz dance, it makes me happy. :D
Wednesday. so since i had a vocab quiz first period i didn't wanna take, me and jarrod decided to take the first two periods off and come in late. yeah well, sick me fell asleep on his couch while he was in the shower and didn't wake up till 10:45. go figure. so we just chilled and didn't go to school. ;P
then dance with the little girls.
THEN i thought i had drama rehersal but come to find out john forgot to call me, so instead i walked down to the trans cafe in my dance shit [and oh yes, those yellow snake shin velvet pants] to end up inturrupting an administration meeting. HAHA. so adam came and picked me up and brought me home. homework, shower, bed.
Thursday. miss sarhan gave me so much shit for the day before it wasn't even funny. pffft, hah. but anyway, school then straight to a baseball game a freakin hour away. BLAH. the bus ride up was fun though. we had a handicapped bus so we all had to pack in the 6-8 seats that actually were on it and dean sat on the floor... then fell asleep and they chucked pennies at him. haha. i ended up passing out too: upper body on ryan collette and lower body on derek paul. hah.
the game kinda sucked. we won, but dean was in a bad mood which made some of the boys be in a bad mood, and it was wicked shitty out.
matt miliano's sister came to talk to us. she's 4. she's such a cutie. :)
the boys got lemonade and then we headed home. passed out once again. hah.
then dean brought me to dance. i was so disonbobulated i forgot everything, haha.
then home, to a evening pickup and chocolate raid at jarrods. hah.
Friday [Today]. school. the game got canceled [CHA-CHING!] so me and jarrod ran 495849058948599 errands before he dropped me off. then i got ready for miss mishelle's party at dave and buster. me, liz, liz, and nicole arrived a tid bit fashionably late. haha.
it was pretty fun. dipietro was hysterical.
the screamer chair aka the ' super vibrator' became a highlight of the night. somehow i was the only one to handle the thing without screaming. for some reason it didn't bother me. -shrugs-
headed home round 10:30.

that's a lot of hanging out with jarrod this week.
oops. :x

pictures from today.

me and my twin.

we like to be goofballs.

my girls for the night. <3

elizabeth always makes attractive faces.

me and james are madd pimp yo. ;P

haha, this was liz playing with the boxing match machine.

they were wicked intensely into this.

zeeeee cake.

I AM THE MAN at capturing the 'blowing out the candles' moment at EVERY DAMN PARTY. :D

we're pretty hott, not gonna lie.

me and jamesy.

...this time stealing his hat.

scott's in a liz sandwich.

clearly, you see why i love them.

me and my love amanda.

the liz's stealing my camera + random table pictures.


this makes me laugh as well.

the dance girls. [minus kayla and becky]

the more intense they got, the funnier i thought it was.

liz on the screamer. i was about to pee my pants watching her...


she seriously looked and sounded like she was having an orgasim.

and that is all.
i will leave you with the fact that i think it's madd queer that britney spears is knocked up again.

...and me and liz got married.
here's our wedding photo. :)

later hoes. <3
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