-inserts nifty line here-

Mar 30, 2006 22:13

so i pretty much haven't had time to breathe this week.
and there's no sign of that stopping.

afterschool drama rehersal till 8.
rehersal was hilarious. liz didn't have her car so i drove aroud with kenzie all day. that girl is my new found love. ♥ we got a break to go eat, and we stopped at no other than PAPA GINOS. except in woonsocket, hah. i completly weirded myself out cause before we even walked in the door i knew what we were getting, how much food we would each get, and the total amount with tax.
yeah so uh. we definately make better pizza and better breadsticks.
except their dining room is a hell of a lot better. haha.
we had tech rehersal at Mt. Hope at 6, so we left around 5. cause kenzie doesn't follow directions very well we ended up going the wrong way to start off. SO, in order to catch up, she drove 80+ the whole way. it was one of those rides where its wicked fun, but at the same time your like, 'yeah, hey i might die'. :)
tech rehersal went well. the audotorium is MADD small though.
kenzie and brad raced on the way home. there was this point at which brad cut her off in the high speed lane, and in the next lane there was this huge truck. so she swerved to the first lane, where mind you there was merging traffic coming from the exit ramp, went around the truck and ended back in the high speed lane in front of brad.
that bitch is CRAZY YO! ;P

score-training with dean.
school was annoying like it has been everyday. though i have to say english always makes me laugh. we're reading 'merchant of venice' and sergio and justin read their parts in REALLY BAD italian accents. haha.
afterschool dean taught me how to score. it's madd easy but i really have to pay attention. not one of tabitha's strong points. -shrugs-
now all the freshman boys also have my number. dean says he's not lilable for them taking advantage of it. i love that guy.
came home. long nap.
picked miss becky up and headed to dance. shannon played the agents for warm-ups. ♥ ♥

drama rehersal.
yesterday was long and sucked. nuff said.
afterschool i learned my hate for coffee connections coffee.
and my love for andy kelly cause he gives me rides back to the school so i don't have to walk. :)
spent the afternoon with dean for baseball. i swear, me and him are the biggest idiots when we're together. his student teacher thinks it's funny.
the freshman boys are madd goofy. haha, one of them started stripping down on the field to give some kid his cup. all of a sudden you hear dean go, 'WO! there's females here who care not to see your nasty goods!'. HAHHHHH. :)
the boys seem to like that i'm managing. well, go figure. junior chick with them, hey i'd be happy. i scored pretty good for a first time, it was just all sloppy cause it was a practice game, and the boys were not ordering properly.
THEN, i walked my ass to dance. 15 minutes of speed walking. what a workout.
my girls = ♥
then i walked back, yet this time it was calming.
drama rehersal, i was just in a pissy mood.

school. i had study for nasif 5th so i went to ennis' class. that was pretty cool yo. i also had my last gym class for my junior year. that means health next week. EWWWW.
afterschool me and cory did our thursday ritual of starbucks/picking up checks.
mike's an ass.
i went and visited john at work. hah, we are secret stalkers to each other. in 10 minutes i ran into him 3 times at school on tuesday.
then jay came over for awhile.
then dance. my feet were cramping up so bad. it SUCKED.
becky had her electronic baby for school. ah, it was entertaining. we all wanted to throw it across the room just to watch it suffer, and we turned into it's aunties. hah.

so dean won these free dance lessons from a raffle and wants to take adult ballet so he can come back and beat my butt.
tuesday i taught him the six positions of dance in front of the lunchroom. :)

the rest of the week is busy and gonna suck.
ahhhh, i need sleep.

i was reading my old entires and realized i wrote those SO much better.
this stuff is a piece of shit.

yeah, well i need to go shower.
peacce out loveys. <3
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