With thanks to
goddess_loki for the lyrical prompt &
delgaserasca for the beta.
Chase the dream to the edge of the abyss
This is the only way to save the world
--Rise; Origa
‘Follow your heart’ - such a simple piece of advice. Obvious, if you look at it, if you think about it. Do what you want to do; what’s right for you - what you feel in your heart. You’ll most likely benefit in the long run.
So why don’t you take the advice? You give the same to others on a semi-regular basis - but no, you would never do such a thing. It’s always ‘do as I say, not as I do’ with you, isn’t it? Because you’re the great Harmon Rabb - it’s no wonder you manage to piss off just about everyone.
‘Fulfil your dreams’ - you did - well, one of them, anyway. You joined the Navy, flew fighter jets. Just like your father and his father before; just as you always dreamed you would. There was another dream, though, one you never told anyone, one shared between you and-well, you. You dreamed of laughter - yours and that of a woman and children, you dreamed of love everlasting.
You know you can have that dream - or pretty damn close. You know you have a shot at it right now-
You stand outside her door, hopping restlessly from foot to foot, raising your fist to knock. You lower your hand and exhale loudly. ‘This is ridiculous.’ But it’s not. It’s not - you’re warring with yourself and you know the pessimist will never win. You let your inner optimist have his five minutes of glory and before you can stop yourself, you’re knocking on her door.
‘Save yourself: do it for you and only you,’ your mother always used to say. You remember sitting on a chair at the kitchen table, your legs not long enough for your feet to reach the ground. You swung your legs as your mother spoke. She told you, ‘whatever you do, don’t do it to make someone else happy, do it for you. You’ll regret it otherwise. Save yourself the pain of regret. Do it for you.’ That memory has stuck, always will.
You lower your head and capture her lips with yours as soon as she opens the door. You surprise yourself with the action: it’s not exactly what you’d planned. Actually, it’s anything but what you’d planned - but she isn’t complaining, either. You feel her arms wrap themselves around your neck as you slowly move together into her apartment.
This is the only way to save yourself.
(Save yourself from a life of loneliness and heartache, boy.)
This is the only way to save the world.