set_mefree and I are crazy. But you know you love it.
Disclaimer: If you don't support Matt/Evi (which I do, but only in theory.. I don't support Matt & Margherita divorcing for Evi), Jack/Kate, or don't want to read random babbling, don't read. If you don't mind, and you read it all.. I'll give you a cookie or something! :P
set_mefree: Foxy on TRL: My opinion is that the Jack and Kate thing will be a long term thing on the show. I think a lot of fans want to see that happen so.. They are two people that are obviously very drawn to each other but there are also, sort of a lot of issues between them already. They will come and sort of even flow until they finally end up together at some point.
set_mefree: did u read it?
set_mefree: bc I expect a bigger reaction than yay!, missy.
set_mefree: there you go.
set_mefree: that's what I'm talking about
set_mefree: next thing you know he's going to be running around with banners that say "JATE IS FATE"
__inadream: lmao!!!!!
__inadream: oh that would be the bestest.
__inadream: he's finally off the whole ana lucia crap
set_mefree: He used to talk and talk and talk about her
__inadream: i know and i hate her.
set_mefree: I'll shoot her in the face
__inadream: if i dont do it first
set_mefree: we'll do it together
set_mefree: like Thelma and Louise
[talking about
this fic]
set_mefree: evi and matt would be so yummy together
__inadream: i would friggin love them together
set_mefree: *giggles*
__inadream: haha
__inadream: isnt it grrreat :D
set_mefree: absolutely lovely.
set_mefree: I bet it's really happened too
set_mefree: Evi probably wrote that herself
set_mefree: autobiographical, baaaaby.
__inadream: i dont think it happened.. i dont see matty as a cheater lol
__inadream: although, margherita is butt ugly, so..
set_mefree: she totally is
set_mefree: gappy teeth, stringy hair
set_mefree: WHY FOXY WHYYYEEE?
set_mefree: Just do Evi, Matt. Just do her.
__inadream: she's ooooooglllyyyy
__inadream: i read an interview and he was like "i saw her [marg] and she was just sooo adorable"
__inadream: ACK
__inadream: she was even less pretty back then, ive seen pictures
set_mefree: oh really?
__inadream: oh really.
set_mefree: Evi's just lovely
set_mefree: and they'd have a lovely baby
__inadream: their baby would be the prettiest one ever. or you know, my baby with foxy would be lovely too
set_mefree: margherita's face is just all wrong
__inadream: LOL
__inadream: she can't change her face
__inadream: sadly
set_mefree: well she should go marry someone ugly then
set_mefree: evi and matt look right together.
__inadream: they so do
__inadream: i love them together
set_mefree: me too
set_mefree: I want some big huge moment between them in the finale
set_mefree: I would love for something to happen to Kate -- maybe something Sawyer's fault
set_mefree: And Jack thinks he can't save her
__inadream: i bet there wont be one cause the writers haaate us
__inadream: OH GUESS WHAT!!!
set_mefree: and he just like loses it
set_mefree: But then she's okay
set_mefree: WHAAAAAAT!?!?!?
__inadream: I READ SOMEWHERE
__inadream: that in real life, evi had an allergic reaction to a plant
__inadream: and they're writing it into the show
set_mefree: that evi had an allergic reaction to a plant?
set_mefree: I'm a psychic
__inadream: or you read it somewhere too lol
set_mefree: she's gonna be payin' JAAAAAAAAAAACK a visit
__inadream: AND THEY'RE GONNA BE LIKE :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*
set_mefree: exactly
set_mefree: because theyre in love
__inadream: and jack is scared she's gonna die
__inadream: and they'll live happily ever after the end
set_mefree: YESSS
set_mefree: hey if you move here, we can get an apartment, and then stay up all night talking forever and ever
set_mefree: it's a good incentive.
__inadream: indeed it is.. i was thinking about that, the housing thing lol
set_mefree: lol, there's a ton of housing around wsu
__inadream: it would be the coolest if we lived together
set_mefree: the absolute coolest
__inadream: until you fell asleep and i was still awake
__inadream: and i would be bored
set_mefree: you would put my hand in warm water
__inadream: and you would be mad at me for continuously typing lol
__inadream: i would never! lol
set_mefree: lolol
set_mefree: I won't fall asleeeeeeeeeeeep if you are heeeeeeeeeeeere
__inadream: sure you willlll
set_mefree: I just have early classes this quarter
__inadream: i swear you are narcoleptic or something
__inadream: okay so if i come, DONT GET EARLY CLASSES! lol
set_mefree: I won't, I won't
set_mefree: and you can be in my WEDDING!!!!!!!
set_mefree: and we can go on spring break together
__inadream: YAAYYYY!!!!!!!
__inadream: to HAWAII TO STALK MATTHEW FOX~!!~!!!!
set_mefree: YES YES YES
__inadream: OKAY OKAY!!
set_mefree: he gets smoothies from this monkey place
__inadream: i saw it on oprah!
__inadream: and i know what town he lives in!
set_mefree: HAHAH YES
__inadream: and what his house looks like!
set_mefree: we are SO THERE.
set_mefree: we'll spend an entire day at the monkey place.
__inadream: waiting for him!!
set_mefree: YES YES
set_mefree: oh oh oh and maybe we'll catch him and evi in the act
set_mefree: and we'll take pictures
set_mefree: and and and we can threaten to sell them to magazines if they don't be our best friends or something
__inadream: and then we could blackmail them and they would have to let us STAY ON THE SET OR SOMETHING
set_mefree: YES!
__inadream: okay, we win AT LIFE
set_mefree: ohhh and then he can divorce MAR
__inadream: mar?! lmao
set_mefree: yes, the fugly wench and I are on a nickname basis.
__inadream: LMAOOO
__inadream: omg im so totally sitting here giggling the highpitched WOmangiggle
__inadream: in real life
set_mefree: hahaha me tooooo
__inadream: because that was the best line EVER
set_mefree: lolol
__inadream: i looooove you lol
set_mefree: I love yoooooooooou!!!!!!!!!!
__inadream: I LOVE YOU MORER
set_mefree: I love you BIGGER