i didn't go to my day classes today, which was probably a bad choice, but whatever. i had really horrible cramps when i woke up, so i was just going to go to english late, but i fell back asleep and didn't hear my alarm and my mom wasn't home to harass me. and sometimes i get this thing where i go to sleep and physically cannot wake up. like, my breathing gets suuuper deep, and my limbs feel funny, and i can hear what's going on, but i can't wake up. i had that, so even when my mom tried to wake me up, i couldn't get up. i did get up and go to music, though. then mommy took me to taco bell and i got nachos and cheesy potatoes (my favorite) and cinnamon twists, yay.
i sent all my stuff to umass yesterday. i have officially applied to umass, unca, and uconn. i have one more set of transcripts left, but i can't decide between arcadia university and ohio state. flails. but i'm really really in love with uconn and their programs and facilities and campuses and stuff, so think good thoughts!
also, i got a call from payless shoes today about coming in to fill out a pre-hire survey to "get the process going"! i hope i get a job there, and soon, because i have like $10 to my name.
i've been watching house lately because vmars hasn't been on, and it's getting really good again. but vmars comes back next week andddd. poo. :( i guess i'll have to tape one.
i thoroughly enjoy the community
todayirealized, btw. lovely. ♥
that's about it. my life is boring lately.