(no subject)

Apr 07, 2007 02:32

i watched 'plastic disasters' and it was sooooo cool. i took some screencaps for addison, and they're below the cut. i outlined the cases and have pictures of parts of them. the pictures are VERY graphic, so don't click if that bothers you.

this is tony. he had had rhinoplasty to remove a bump, but it had misshapen his nose worse. he had three more surgeries -- the first to try to correct and trim the tip of his nose, the second to insert a silicone implant which then had to be removed, the third to trim excess scar tissue within the nostrils, which resulted in part of the end of his nose to collapse slightly, due to decrease in cartilage.

in surgery.

they took some tissue from his scalp to recreate cartilage.

seeee, scalpy tissue.

and some from his ear.

look ma, no cartilage!

the middley part that's supposed to be there is totally gone.

puttin' tissue in.


he has to wait a year and a half to find out what the final result will be.

this is lucille. she first had a facelift, which she was very pleased with. she went back for a rhinoplasty, which was successful, but after the operation, her cheeks and neck puffed up. after that, they deflated and she was left with bags of skin on her face because the facelift was done incorrectly and not fastened to the muscles.

she hears this high-pitched ringing in her ears all the time.

she can't sit up straight and keep her jaw closed.. she has to physically hold it closed.

her esophagus. all that extra white-y stuff isn't supposed to be there, it's built-up fluid.

this is mona. she initially went for a tummy tuck, hoping to get rid of excess stomach fat. there were complications with the operation, and she had to be admitted to the hospital a few weeks later because of intense pain and inability to breathe. she found out that the surgery had severed her intensines and bowel, causing fecal matter to excrete into her body. an operation was performed to fix the tear, but she had to remain on bedrest while she healed. because of this, bedsores began to form. first one came on her buttocks, and she had a double-flap operation to remove it, replace the skin, and staple it shut. next, one came inbetween her toes. the foot began gangrine and toes had to be removed. then one formed on her knee. amputation was performed below the knee, but was unsuccessful, and then had to be performed above the knee. after a while, the other leg had to be amputated due to the same problem.

when her toes started turning gangrine.

after her double-flap surgery.

bedsore on her leg.

her leg after it was amputated (first leg).

another bedsore.

her stomach wounds.

stomach scars.

double flap scars.

random surgeries pictures of eyelifts and facelifts.

pictures of boobie deformities.

i'm assuming that's the implant poking out. ew.

pictures of people from WWI that got gunshot wounds in the face from the trenches.

i just thought he was hot. he's mona's lawyer.

he kind of looks like quentin costa, and it freaked me out a wee bit.

it sucked that all of that happened to them, and i feel the worse for mona because she had to have her legs amputated because of a stomach infection, but. like tony said in the video, they chose that. they chose to fix the way they looked, and that's what they got. not saying the surgeons weren't wrong, but, still. meh.

plastic disasters, surgery, addie, photos

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