my eyes are so freaking itchyyy omg. i kind of want to claw them out plz. :| and my eye drops STING so bad when i put them in. it makes me cry, which prolly washes away the medication of it. meh. :{
tomorrow's my mommy's birfday (today is my dad's), and i boughted her presents tonight! i bought her two sets of earrings, a shirt that matches one of the pairs, and a glass paperweight because she collects some and we saw some at hallmark last week. so i got the one she liked the best. :D
i also bought some shoes that i would never buy in my life but they were on clearance. they make me like, over six foot. and totally remind me of shoes kate would wear. i've always wanted shoes like them, and they were only twelve dolla, so. shrug.
my camera doesn't turn things colors anymore, yayyy!
what i found out i could do with the moon! how cool, right?
this is my favorite.
our field and max lazing around.
this is my second faveee.
malllarddd. ♥