so i totally can't wait for next weeeeek, lol.
"izzie, i just dropped $8.7 million dollars on the floor."
UM HI THAT SPINE THING WAS SO COOL. (i mean, bad for the girl.. but from a bio major's perspective, so totally awesome.)
stare. him. down. YOU GO CALLIE. "i'm a good starer!"
mark is really really REALLY hot in his leather jacket, just coming in from the rain and all drippy. oh how i heart you, boyfriend.
i loved the scene between george and his dad. it was perfect. "dog murderer!"
um addison your orange shirt is fugly. fyi.
"this is meredith grey's niece, people might think i did it on purpose." *giggles* OH ADDISON YOU WITTY WITTERSON. ♥
geooorge kissed callieeee. i hope they get back togetherrr. i am saying that in a sing-song vooiiiceee!
"cause he was rude to you." dklafjgdfg. and, no kiss! I TOLD YOU SO BAUBRI, DIDN'T I. NOW YOUR PANTIES DON'T HAVE TO BE IN A BUNCH. YOU TOO, PAULER. TEEHEE.
okay, mark/addison. MARK/ADDISON. wins. so hard. "you're sorry i'm hurting, or you're sorry?" just.. guh. poor little mark moved across the country for his girl, yet he doesn't have said girl and still has to see her everyday. hi, i know how that feels. i feel so bad for him. it's no wonder he's acting like an asshole (which really isn't asshole.. you mark-peoples know what i mean) and lashing out at addison.
and holy crap, the preview for next week. "you didn't want a baby!" "i did, i just didn't want one with you." seeeriously. i have a feeling this may go along with some miscarriage issues from the past, like sunny noticed in 'from a whisper to a scream'. i feel bad for mark about that, too, but at the same time, addison is justified. why should they have had a baby when she didn't know what was going to happen, and how it was going to turn out? he ended up cheating on her, which may have been either a cause or an effect, or both, which just proves the point that maybe mark couldn't handle fatherhood, at least from addie's pov. but still, how bad does it sting when the girl you've loved since.. ever tells you she didn't want to have a baby with YOU? *snuggles mark*
so overall, i am not too saddened by the lack of addex kiss, only because i had this nagging feeling that it wasn't going to be a real kiss, anyway. plus, i would rather have maddison-y stuff, which we got a lot of, and it makes me happy. although i have to say, flustered!addie and flustered!alex in the NICU was adooorable. ♥
oh and did anyone else think that the fact that derek usually sleeps on the freaking COUCH, sets an alarm, and gets back in bed before meredith wakes up is hilariously funny? I BET ADDISON DOESN'T SNORE. ♥