Nov 16, 2005 17:58
It started snowing today. Nothing major, but the cold is not exactly a fun thing to deal with.
////suckness on SO many levels
On another note...I've screwed up my entire "stronghold" state of being.
See, a few months ago I made this decision.
NO sex.
NO relationships.
NO fooling around.
NO letting people in and forming crushes or anything of the sort.
Well the first three rules are still fully in tact, but the fourth is shattered to hell, lol.
I met this guy Bob; extremely cool guy and a down-ass Juggalo. Also one of the sweetest people I've ever met in my life. Even better, we seem to have such a great understanding of each others' mind.
A few problems here:
He is dating someone else. Not his gf, but she used to be and they have a LOT of history.
I do not need this right now. I need to be focused on my son and my life in the future.
So, I discover I like the guy, after days of refusing to believe it myself.
What's worse, my friend Bill (also a friend of Bob's...for like 8 years) tells Bob yesterday that he knows I like him. That really pissed me off, because I haven't even mentioned it to anyone besides Amanda, and I know she was going to take it to the grave.
So Bob confronts me on it.
I admit to it, but fully clarify I am not going to act on it or even let it consume much of my thinking.
The conversation was pretty interesting....he basically said if he was "emotionally free" he would not be surprised if he had a huge crush on me.
Why did he have to tell me that?!
Blech. I hate feeling like this.
I will be okay, I know. Amanda suggested I stop talking to him so much and don't hang out with him for a while.
But doing that just wouldn't feel right, because he is WONDERFUL to talk to and hang out with.
So I'm going to make it harder on myself, be stubborn, and continue what I'm doing.
With luck, this feeling will fade.
If not....I will just have to deal with it.
Feelings suck, but you can never escape them.